Huge +1 from me.
If the team want help, they need to offer some help first. We could also work with kinds of internship programmes like Outreachy.
Cheers, Lingxian Kong
On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 11:48 PM Thierry Carrez <> wrote:
Hi everyone,
The "Help most needed" list[1] was created by the Technical Committee to clearly describe areas of the OpenStack open source project which were in the most need of urgent help. This was done partly to facilitate communications with corporate sponsors and engineering managers, and be able to point them to an official statement of need from "the project".
This list encounters two issues. First it's hard to limit entries: a lot of projects teams, SIGs and other forms of working groups could use extra help. But more importantly, this list has had a very limited impact -- new contributors did not exactly magically show up in the areas we designated as in most need of help.
When we raised that topic (again) at a Board+TC meeting, a suggestion was made that we should turn the list more into a "job description" style that would make it more palatable to the corporate world. I fear that would not really solve the underlying issue (which is that at our stage of the hype curve, no organization really has spare contributors to throw at random hard problems).
So I wonder if we should not reframe the list and make it less "this team needs help" and more "I offer peer-mentoring in this team". A list of contributor internships offers, rather than a call for corporate help in the dark. I feel like that would be more of a win-win offer, and more likely to appeal to students, or OpenStack users trying to contribute back.
Proper 1:1 mentoring takes a lot of time, and I'm not underestimating that. Only people that are ready to dedicate mentoring time should show up on this new "list"... which is why it should really list identified individuals rather than anonymous teams. It should also probably be one-off offers -- once taken, the offer should probably go off the list.
Thoughts on that? Do you think reframing help-needed as mentoring-offered could help? Do you have alternate suggestions?
On Fri, 2019-02-01 at 00:32 +1300, Lingxian Kong wrote: perhaps but since this is the frist time i have heard of the help-needed list maybe we should jsut merge it into openstack-discuss and use a [help-needed] or [mentoring] lable so its more discoverably?