Hello everyone,

Here are a few things that happened recently:

- We've got the last volley of new PTLs!
  Lucian Petrut for winstackers and Nicholas Bock for Designate. Congratulations!

- Rico Lin is now the Vice-chair of the TC.

- As mentioned in [1], we will have two `Meet the project leaders` events during the Shanghai summit. It will be nice if OpenStack PTLs, SIG Chairs, TC members, core reviewers, UC members,  interested in join. You can signup in [2] to let others know you're coming. And if you think you might be part of this or you would like to meet any of them. Yes! you should come! 

- We're open for goal idea, so add it in [3] if you have any. We also looking for V cycle goal as well. And here's some backlog [4] if you're interested to be a champion of it.

- At this point you should already know, the newest OpenStack User Survey results are already out [8]. So analysis it and make decisions accordingly (assume those questions are essential for team dicisions).

- The Shanghai PTG schedule is finalized. Please check [7] for more detail on each forum. We hope we can have users, operators, and developers all together to collaborate and make more successful and valuable outcome from each forum. So please join!

- Big thanks to our release team, Train final releases for cycle-with-rc projects is right around the corner [9].

- Our official meeting happened on October 10, as announced on the ML. We decided the following:
    -  As one of meeting actions, a ML `[tc] Status update on naming our next releases`  [6] is out (Thanks to Thierry). If you would like to give your review/feedback before proposals (mentioned in that mail) gets a majority of TC votes, now is the time. As always your review and feedback matter.
    - Summit and PTG are near, currently, Summit presentations and Forum sessions [7] are released. At this point, teams (which plan to join PTG) should start planning for their PTG topics and formats. So please help with teams to be prepared.
    For TC PTG, please propose topics before October 17, so we will have two weeks to discuss, finalize, and prepare.
    - V cycle goal discussion will be more asynchronously, more ML for U and V cycle goal process will be out soon.
    - Thanks for the effort of swift team, current python 3 support for swift is good. This makes OpenStack more ready for python 3 first.
    - There will be a forum [5] for large scale SIG, so if you're interested, please join (we hope to have more large scale users join to provide hands and feedbacks) so we can make OpenStack a better place for large scale.

[1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-October/009947.html
[2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/meet-the-project-leaders
[3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PVG-u-series-goals
[4] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/community-goals
[5] https://www.openstack.org/summit/shanghai-2019/summit-schedule/events/24405/facilitating-running-openstack-at-scale-join-the-large-scale-sig
[6] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-October/010106.html
[7] https://www.openstack.org/summit/shanghai-2019/summit-schedule#track_groups=90
[8] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-September/009501.html
[9] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/687991

JP & Rico