5 11
0 0
[openstack-ansible] dropping suse support
by Mohammed Naser 05 May '20

05 May '20

24 Aug '19
5 11
0 0
[all][docs] season of docs
by Mohammed Naser 23 May '19

23 May '19
7 10
0 0
[PTL][SIG][WG] PTG Team Photos
by Kendall Nelson 15 May '19

15 May '19
5 10
0 0

26 Apr '19
Migrating git repos to OpenDev
by corvus@inaugust.com 25 Apr '19

25 Apr '19
19 39
0 0
[dev] oslosphinx Sphinx theme is EOL
by Stephen Finucane 23 Apr '19

23 Apr '19