OpenStack 2013.1.2 released

The OpenStack Stable Maintenance team is happy to announce the release of the 2013.1.2 stable Grizzly release. We have been busy reviewing and accepting backported bugfixes to the stable/grizzly branches. A total of 80 bugs have been fixed across all core projects.

OpenStack “I” release naming

The next release cycle for OpenStack, starting in November 2013 after we conclude the current release cycle (“Havana”) will be called Icehouse.

Open Source Sysadmin: Reorganization of the OpenStack Infrastructure Docs

The OpenStack Infrastructure team is constantly evolving its documentation to make it easier for new contributors to join the team. Last week documentation for the OpenStack Project Infrastructure was reorganised “to re-orient the documentation as an introduction for new contributors and a reference for all contributors.” All of the CI tools are open source, the puppet and other configurations are all hosted in public revision control and any changes submitted are made by the same process all other changes in OpenStack are made. They go through automated tests in Jenkins to test applicable syntax and other formatting and the code changes submitted are reviewed by peers and approved by members of the infrastructure team. This has made it super easy it is for the team to collaborate on changes and offer suggestions (much better than endless pastebins or sharing a screen session with a fellow sysadmin!), plus with all changes in revision control it’s easy to track down where things went wrong and revert as necessary.

Enter OpenStack’s T-shirt Design Contest!

Show us your creative talent & submit an original design for our 2013 OpenStack T-shirt Design Contest! Winning design will be announced the last week in August 2013. Details on OpenStack blog.

Async I/O and Python

When you’re working on OpenStack, you’ll probably hear a lot of references to ‘async I/O’ and how eventlet is the library we use for this in OpenStack. But, well … what exactly is this mysterious ‘asynchronous I/O’ thing? Read it from Mark McLoughlin.

Ceph integration in OpenStack: Grizzly update and roadmap for Havana

Sébastien Han wrote a summary of the sessions about Ceph integration with OpenStack. His post contains details about upcoming features and a roadmap.

OpenStack-Docker: How to manage your Linux Containers with Nova

A new approach to manage Linux Containers (LXC) within OpenStack Compute. The Docker project released a driver to deploy LXC with Docker, with multiple advantages over the “normal” virtual machines usually deployed by Nova. Those advantages are speed, efficiency, and portability. Details and links to the code on How to manage your Linux Containers with Nova.

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