Built an App on OpenStack at QCon NY 2015

Developers building apps on top of OpenStack get more tutorials to play with. Everett Toews published abstract, slides and code from his talk at QCon in New York on how to get started building and deploying an application on OpenStack.

OpenStack Networking with Neutron: What Plugin Should I Deploy?

Nir Yechiel published a summary of the talk he gave at OpenStack Israel event on June 15th: what is a Neutron plugin, what plugins are available and how to choose one.

OpenStack’s Volume Backup Status

When working in the Cloud the idea of doing backups like in the old days may seen counter intuitive. After all, the main reasons for having backups are recovering data after it’s lost, by deletion or corruption, and recovering it from an earlier time, and you have those covered with fast volume snapshots and the use of fault tolerant back-ends like Ceph, that replicate data, for your volumes. So, why would you still need old school backups? Find out on Gorka Eguileor‘s post.

The Road to Tokyo

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Subject Owner Project
Track cinder capacity notifications XinXiaohui openstack/ceilometer-specs
Improve Install Guide Liberty RST spec Andreas Jaeger openstack/docs-specs
Add side-by-side comparison of v2 and v3 APIs Diane Fleming openstack/keystone-specs
[EDP] Allow editing job binaries Trevor McKay openstack/sahara-specs
[EDP] Allow editing datasource objects Trevor McKay openstack/sahara-specs
Minor grammar cleanup of enroll-node-state John L. Villalovos openstack/ironic-specs
libvirt: rename ‘parallels’ virt_type to ‘vz’ Maxim Nestratov openstack/nova-specs
Updates designate spec Domain properties Kanagaraj Manickam openstack/heat-specs
Add unit tests for Trove specs Nikhil Manchanda openstack/trove-specs
Service group spec re-proposed from kilo-backlog to liberty badveli_vishnuus openstack/neutron-specs
Add support for external resources Angus Salkeld openstack/heat-specs
Spec to remove the pipeline from the api server Chris Dent openstack/ceilometer-specs
service: Adds Windows Oslo Service Workers spec Claudiu Belu openstack/oslo-specs
Nested Quota Driver Vilobh Meshram openstack/cinder-specs
Symlinks in Swift Samuel Merritt openstack/swift-specs
Add “enroll” state to the state machine Dmitry Tantsur openstack/ironic-specs
Conditionally expose resources based on roles Pavlo Shchelokovskyy openstack/heat-specs
Conditionally expose resources based on services Pavlo Shchelokovskyy openstack/heat-specs
Add blueprint for tempest cli improvements David Paterson openstack/qa-specs
Dynamic pipeline configuration using file reloading Rohit Jaiswal openstack/ceilometer-specs
Sort instances if possible inside an host aggregate Jean-Daniel Bonnetot openstack/nova-specs
Move rearrange-schemas spec to implemented Ghanshyam Mann openstack/qa-specs
Spec for using a aggregation pipeline in MongoDB Ilya Tyaptin openstack/ceilometer-specs
Correct resource name for consolidate console API Alex Xu openstack/nova-specs
Hyper-V: Add storage QoS support Petrut Lucian openstack/nova-specs

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