OpenStack Compute (Nova) Roadmap for Havana

The Havana design summit was held mid-April.  Since then the Nova team has been documenting the Havana roadmap and going full speed ahead on development of these features.  The list of features that developers have committed to completing for the Havana release is tracked using blueprints on Launchpad. At the time of writing, there are 74 blueprints listed that cover a wide range of development efforts. Russell Bryant, Nova Tech Lead, highlights some of them.

Stacker Voices: Thierry Carrez, OpenStack Foundation

Thierry Carrez handles release management for the OpenStack Foundation and is chair of the project’s Technical Committee. Thierry was involved with the earliest incarnations of OpenStack while at Rackspace. Cloudscaling’s team caught up with him at the OpenStack Summit in Portland to get Thierry’s insights into the release cycle, governance and his wish list for the project.

Swiftsync – A way to synchronize two swift clusters

Enovance was asked to migrate and synchronize two swift clusters in order to provide a customer a way to handle a swift migration easily. For that they started a project called swiftsync hosted in github.

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