Highlights of the week

Save the Date – OpenStack Summit Spring 2013

It’s official – the Spring 2013 OpenStack Summit will be held in Portland, April 15-18, at the Oregon Convention Center.  

We’re expecting 2000 OpenStack users, prospective users, ecosystem members and developers to attend the Spring Summit. As usual, we’ll have a variety of content and tracks, ranging from compelling user stories and technical deep dives to the business case for OpenStack and hands-on workshops.

If you’d like to submit a presentation, panel or workshop, the call for speakers is now open and will close February 15.

The call for sponsorships will open January 14. Event registration and discount hotel rates will be available the week of January 14, so stay tuned and check back for updates.

OpenStack Board of Directors Talks: Episode 3 with Randy Bias, Co-Founder & CTO at Cloudscaling

Rafael Knuth chats with Randy Bias about Cloudscaling, OpenStack, cloud technology, API compatibility, enterprise adoption of cloud technologies, Dell and more.

Tips and tricks

Upcoming Events

Other news

Welcome new contributors

Celebrating the first patches submitted this week by:

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