[User-committee] [product] Changing name from "User Story" to "Development Requests"

Kunzmann, Gerald kunzmann at docomolab-euro.com
Thu Apr 6 07:41:32 UTC 2017

Hi Leong,

On (2), I would suggest using plural https://github.com/openstack/development-proposals/  or https://github.com/openstack/openstack-dev-proposals


From: Yih Leong, Sun. [mailto:yihleong at gmail.com]
Sent: Mittwoch, 5. April 2017 18:32
To: Jeremy Stanley <fungi at yuggoth.org>
Cc: user-committee <user-committee at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [User-committee] [product] Changing name from "User Story" to "Development Requests"

There are two things to rename.
1. https://github.com/openstack-infra/userstory-dashboard
2. https://github.com/openstack/openstack-user-stories

For (1), "openstack-infra/featuretracker" and "openstack-infra/puppet-featuretracker" are good.

For (2), in the PWG midcycle meeting, we agreed to rephrase the term from "User Story" to "Development Proposal".
However, the team haven't decided the name of the new repo.
Shall we change to "https://github.com/openstack/development-proposal" ?

On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:28 AM, Jeremy Stanley <fungi at yuggoth.org<mailto:fungi at yuggoth.org>> wrote:
On 2017-04-05 13:35:57 +0000 (+0000), Kunzmann, Gerald wrote:
> This doc describes what we have to do to request change of our
> repo name:
> https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/creators.html#project-renames
> Such renaming will require gerrit downtime for a couple of hours,
> so this will only by triggered few times a year. So after having
> submitted the change, we may need to wait for some time. No such
> maintenance window is currently being planned.

Yep, and we also have a few other important repo renames queued up,
so will likely do one "soon" (depending on when one or more of those
of us with access to run such a maintenance window can schedule a
little time to focus on it). Having already taken point on the repo
import/migration from github to gerrit I'm also happy to write the
necessary rename patches to project-config.

What I'm still missing is consensus over what would be acceptable
new names for these repositories. Is there any objection if we
rename openstack-infra/userstory-dashboard to
openstack-infra/featuretracker (to match the
featuretracker.openstack.org<http://featuretracker.openstack.org> site name where it's hosted) and also
rename the openstack-infra/puppet-userstory_dashboard configuration
management repository to openstack-infra/puppet-featuretracker for
Jeremy Stanley

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