[User-committee] [User Survey] Validating Project Dependencies

Jonathan D. Proulx jon at csail.mit.edu
Mon Oct 31 19:17:03 UTC 2016

Hi All,

Just wanted to capture a quick comment I received from the Heat
project Friday.

There are a number of projects such as Trove and Sahara that depend on
Heat.  They were questioning wether it would be possible to insure if
someone said they were using adependent project that Heat was also

I think they feel operators who have head installed strictly as a
dependency for other projects but don't directly use Heat may not be
listing Heat in their deployments.

Don't know if we can cross check this to see if that worry is founded
or not.  Even less of an idea how or if we could implement dependency
checking at collection time, but wanted to be sure I wasn't he only
one with this feed back...



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