[User-committee] [app] Looking for corporate dev platform contacts

Kruithof Jr, Pieter pieter.kruithof.jr at intel.com
Wed Jun 8 23:38:01 UTC 2016

Hi Stefano,

My apologies, just added DreamHost.

In this case, we’re really just looking to recruit folks to create a panel for future usability studies.  

It would great to the results.  I’m also thinking that Michael, Marcela and Victor would also be interested among others.

Again, sorry about the omission.


On 6/8/16, 4:34 PM, "Stefano Maffulli" <stefano at openstack.org> wrote:

>On 06/08/2016 10:59 AM, Kruithof Jr, Pieter wrote:
>> If possible, do you mind distributing the following survey at
>> dreamhost? The intent is to recruit app developers who are interested
>> in participating in user research on behalf if the community.
>Considering that we have sent a survey to our customers a couple of
>weeks ago, I'd be concerned about sending another one. If you think it
>would be valuable, I can write a blog post on dreamhost.com/blog or on
>DreamHost Cloud forums but that reaches a wider audience, not just
>openstack users or developers. Would that work?
>BTW, how come DreamHost is not included as an option among the possible
>public clouds? Can you add it please?
>Our survey had similar questions too, I can share our findings, if that
>is of any use.

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