[User-committee] [publicClouds-wg] Reminder: Public Cloud WG meeting Wednesday 1400UTC

Matt Jarvis matt at mattjarvis.org.uk
Thu Dec 8 09:08:16 UTC 2016

As always, great input Flanders - and thank you for adding to our etherpad.
Our first meeting was well attended, with 10+ public cloud operators
represented. We've made progress with some of the initial housekeeping
work, and will be looking at defining some of the purpose and scope next
meeting. IRC logs are in the usual places

Thank you to everyone who attended and look forward to exploring this more
next meeting.


On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 10:36 PM, David F Flanders <flanders at openstack.org>

> TL;DR = Let's find one simple task the majority of the WG can commit to
> delivering by Boston.  Announcements at summits feel good :)
> Given the time here in Melbourne, I'll not be able to make this meeting.
> Though I would +1 an EU timezone so as to take advantage of all the Public
> Clouds there.
> Naturally, any good practice for publishing logs/actions along with
> announcing agenda in advance (as per below, thank you Matt!) is greatly
> appreciated for those of us in the APAC and EMEA timezones.
> I've attempted to highlight some of the tasks in the etherpad which the
> public clouds have achieved this past year and which will hopefully be
> considered moving forward?
> For me personally in having worked with the Public Clouds quite a bit this
> past year, the primary concerns which arose are around how Public Clouds
> can:
> 1.) provide tried+tested interfaces for cloud application development
> teams (SDKs/APIs, PaaS, Containers, etc) so there is ease in testing apps
> on multi-clouds.
> 2.) dogfooding app dev interfaces at events like hackathons (and therefore
> testing cloud capacity as part of those events).
> 3.) training of customers (app dev) in the use of the cloud interfaces,
> i.e. OpenStack Academy, CloudAppLabs, pre-training events for hackathons,
> etc.
> ^^Discussion on if these have been successful this past year, and/or how
> to change them greatly appreciated.  I can haz feedback? ;-)
> I'm really excited to see who emerges as leaders of this WG, hopefully
> several people will put forward nominations for the co-chair positions.
> Regardless, I'm excited to support and help what the community decides -
> even if it is from the other side of the world :)
> ​/Flanders
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 8:21 PM, Matt Jarvis <matt at mattjarvis.org.uk>
> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> We have the first Public Cloud WG IRC meeting on Wednesday at 1400 UTC
>> on channel #openstack-meeting-3
>> The agenda is available here[1]
>> We'd welcome as much input as possible, please feel free to make notes on
>> the etherpad[1]. This first meeting will look to define our constituency,
>> meeting practices and chairs, and to start discussing goals.
>> Matt
>> [1] *https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/publiccloud-wg
>> <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/publiccloud-wg>*
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> --
> Flanders | OpenStack Foundation | Community Manager (Cloud Application
> Communities)
> http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/meet-openstack-s-com
> munity-wrangler-david-flanders
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