[User-committee] Fwd: Enhancing the community events page

Jimmy Mcarthur jimmy at tipit.net
Wed Aug 3 17:13:43 UTC 2016

Stefano Maffulli wrote:
> On 08/03/2016 09:36 AM, Jimmy McArthur wrote:
>> We're already collecting this information by adding Regional as well as
>> City, State, Country fields into the Event registration on
>> openstack.org. Still on the list to coordinate with groups.openstack.org
>> to make sure we're gathering / passing the same information.
> One of the intentions of groups.openstack.org was to become the
> canonical source of all community events: it has all the capabilities
> needed, from home pages for each group, role management, calendars, and
> more. Working groups could use it, too, as it could be a lot nicer to
> use than the wiki.
> The site came out of a need to aggregate in one place *automatically*
> events created by groups anywhere they existed (meetup.com, google
> groups, etc) and provide groups with alternatives to meetup.com and
> aspired to be more like the social network for openstack users, a tool
> to get to know our users wherever they are.
I'm not sure openstack.org/Events aspires to be a social network for 
openstack users. But definitely to be at least A definitive list (if not 
THE) of community activities.
>   Its development has never
> been fast, resources always too limited. In its current form it's
> nothing more than a pretty map and a couple of static pages.
It is a very pretty map :)
> Since groups.openstack.org was launched, a lot of features have been
> added *also* to openstack.org/community/events and that seem to create
> confusion, and duplicate entries (for example, OpenStack Days Silicon
> Vallye appears twice now --once entered from
> openstack.org/community/events/post-an-event and once imported via
> meetup.com to groups.o.o).
Yeah, agreed. Initially the Foundation Events page was just to promote 
the Summit and Foundation events. Then we started ingesting events from 
the Groups feed, along with a couple of other spots. We're definitely 
duplicating efforts in a couple of places and it takes a little bit of 
management to make sure things are properly pruned.

I would love to start a conversation about about how the page could 
become more useful for the community.
> I would suggest to check if groups.openstack.org at this point is still
> needed or if its resources should be put somewhere else.
That's a larger discussion, but if there is any way I can help on this, 
let me know. As mentioned, Events was not meant to replace 
groups.openstack.org. Merely a place for newcomers to find event info on 
the openstack.org site. As we've grown to do hackathons, expanded 
OpenStack Days, PTGS, etc..., we're finding that more and more real 
estate is needed, along with an improved user experience.

If there is a desire to shut down groups.openstack.org, we should talk 
about how, and if, we can help fill that gap.

> /stef
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