[User-committee] [scientific-wg] a summary of activities

John Taylor jt585 at cam.ac.uk
Sun Apr 24 17:56:10 UTC 2016

That is an excellent summary. Thank you.

On 24 Apr 2016 12:36, at 12:36, David F Flanders <dff.openstack at gmail.com> wrote:
>Dear Fellow Working Groups and User-Committee,
>I'd like to quickly draw your attention to this email announcement
>which a
>member of the scientific-wg wrote for wide spread awareness about the
>upcoming launch.  A handy summary of all the scientific-wg activities
>as well.
>Thank you Khalil!
>OpenStack Scientific Working GroupOpenStack Summit, Austin, TX.April
>th, 2016Background
>Cloud Computing represents one of the most significant shifts in
>information technology many of us are likely to see in our lifetimes.
>massive scale and global availability of cloud-based services have
>an entirely new generation of services that for practical purposes had
>been well out of reach for individual institutions and researchers. In
>effect, this necessary sharing of services has the consequence of
>researchers previously working in isolated islands of activity into
>proximity to one another and opening the doors to new levels of
>and collaboration.
>While otherwise comfortable with the notion of “shared” or “utility”
>infrastructure – such is the attraction of working at a large R1 or
>research institute – for good scientific reasons, the research
>community is
>wary of any limiting consequences of standards when using shared
>resources and where the precise and complete control over the
>architecture is critical to the science itself. Such concerns aside,
>is much promise in having computing services available as a utility for
>many areas of scientific research where compute standards and form are
>immediately impactful on research outcomes – but availability and ease
>use are.
>While offering great potential for game-changing innovation, current
>computing platforms have performance and capability limitations that
>their effectiveness as alternatives to highly configurable on premise
>resources. As the scientific community adopts cloud infrastructure,
>application mobility, portability, security, and ubiquitous
>become increasingly important to support the democratization of
>capability and access to research computing resources.
>One important consequence of moving to the effective commoditization of
>research cloud computing is that increasing portions of on premise
>computing resources can be allocated towards more innovative research
>computing architectures. As the migration to cloud services is also
>accelerating the translation of new innovation into large-scale
>availability, any effort to enhance the pathway for translation would
>highly beneficial.
>As such, it is simple prudence that suggests that both on premise and
>provider resources must be cultivated and nurtured. Rather than
>one or the other it seems beneficial for these systems to converge over
>time, resulting in a hybrid architecture that has the key benefits of
>In response to the demands of the research community, the OpenStack
>Foundation has started up a Scientific Working Group that will have its
>inaugural meeting at the OpenStack Summit in Austin later this month.
>program also includes several panels sessions and networking
>for academics, researchers, scientists and research computing
>to discuss a wide range of topics.
>The driver for this new initiative is to bring together key
>and computation center decision makers from the research community and
>industry supporting cloud-based cyber-infrastructure to surface
>unmet needs, identify current and near-term solutions that would
>value-added services and with an eye towards balancing utility vs.
>– and hence, non-standard – uses, and to explore the scope of areas
>community based standards are called for.
>Through an open and thoughtful exchange, we intend to begin developing
>shared understanding and vision of how open computing solutions can
>support existing and emerging uses in a range of research disciplines.
>is intended that this initial workshop serve as a planning session and
>kick-off for a series of workshops that would include coverage of
>such as:
>*Further planning and notes ongoing via this etherpad: *
>Planned sessions and events
>*Operations Track: Scientific Working Group Meetup*
>Monday, April 25, 2:00pm-3:30pm
>*Scientific Working Group Inaugural Meeting*
>Tuesday, April 26, 11:15am-11:55am
>Draft agenda for the session under development here:
>*Luncheon Scientific Cloud Directors Panel*
>Tuesday, April 26, Noon to 2pm
>*Scientific Community Cloud Directors*:
>Scientific Community Clouds: five directors of community clouds
>for a quarter million cores worldwide
>Tuesday, April 26, 3:40pm-4:20pm
>*Tuesday Evening - StackCity Community Festival*
>*HPC Track:*
>*Deploying OpenStack for the National Science Foundation's newest
>Wednesday, April 27, 9:00am-9:40am
>*High-Performance OpenStack for Science and Data Analytics in a Hybrid
>Cloud Environment*
>Wednesday, April 27, 9:50am-10:30am
>*Glance and SLURM: User-Defined Image Management on HPC Clusters*
>Wednesday, April 27, 11:00am-11:40am
>*Chasing the Rainbow – National Computational Infrastructure’s Pursuit
>High-Performance OpenStack Cloud*
>Wednesday, April 27, 11:00am-11:40am
>*Bending Ironic for Big Iron*
>Wednesday, April 27, 11:50am-12:30pm
>*Synch&Share into Swift -- A User-Friendly Gateway into Swift Storage
>an Owncloud Frontend*
>Wednesday, April 27, 1:50pm-2:30pm
>*Cloud Infrastructure to Help Researchers Build 21st Century
>Wednesday, April 27, 2:40pm-3:20pm
>*Chameleon: An experimental Testbed for Computer Science as Application
>Cloud Computing*
>Wednesday, April 27, 3:30pm-4:10pm
>*Building Efficient HPC Clouds with MVAPICH2 and OpenStack over SR-IOV
>enabled InfiniBand Clusters* Wednesday, April 27, 3:30pm-4:10pm
>*OpenStack for High-Performance Bioinformatics*
>Wednesday, April 27, 4:30pm-5:10pm
>Twitter: @DFFlanders <https://twitter.com/dfflanders>
>Skype: david.flanders
>Based in Melbourne, Australia
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