[User-committee] Per-project surveys

Jonathan Proulx jon at csail.mit.edu
Mon Sep 28 19:06:28 UTC 2015

I'm thinking we try (next round) to wrap this into the user survey.

If we can organized the PTL surveys as optional and at the end
hopefully we can retain the short general overview an relatively high

If the survey is arranged so PTLs can send deeper links to say 'update
your Neuron usage survey' that go directly to that sub part we may not
completely solve the survey over load but we can at least eliminate
the duplication and bring all the data under the same privacy model.

I'm thinking an "optional tab" at the end of the survey, after we
thank you for your responses, with a list of links to project specific


On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 05:03:49PM +0000, Tim Bell wrote:
:There have been a couple of project surveys of OpenStack users in the past
:week (Neutron and Ceilometer).
:They tend to duplicate the standard questions (industry, size of deployment,
:release levels, .) and also some of the questions we are currently asking in
:the survey (nova network, metering feedback). The commitment to anonymity is
:also not always clear.
:The difficulty I see is that we reach survey limits, where people are not
:sure what is official and whether the questions/audience may lead to a bias.
:On the other hand, the PTLs often want more detailed information and the
:user survey needs to be kept to a reasonable length (to avoid we lose
:everything because people bailed out before finishing).
:Any suggestions on how to proceed ? 

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