[User-committee] User Survey Data Analysis

Roland Chan roland at aptira.com
Mon Nov 16 23:50:54 UTC 2015

Hi All,

Since we ran out of time in the meeting earlier, I'll continue this here:

I'm requesting further analysis of the user survey data in order to
determine what factors maybe contributing to the deterioriation of the NPS
results over the last two surveys.

Whilst it's true that 2 data points does not make a trend, I would prefer
to understand more about what is behind the high level NPS results so that
we can, at a minimum, determine if the same factors show up in the next
survey. Ideally though, the results of the analysis could inform the future
actions of this committee and other working groups.

I don't know what form the data for the last two user surveys is, but if
it's in surveymonkey, we had some good results using their built in toolset
(credit to Lauren for that) with the Diversity survey results. Regardless
of the form, I'm happy to work with the data.


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