[User-committee] User Survey

Matt Van Winkle mvanwink at rackspace.com
Mon Jul 28 19:55:28 UTC 2014

Sorry for the delay in commenting.  Playing catch up from being out.

From: Tim Bell <Tim.Bell at cern.ch<mailto:Tim.Bell at cern.ch>>
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 1:31 PM
To: "User-committee at lists.openstack.org<mailto:User-committee at lists.openstack.org>" <User-committee at lists.openstack.org<mailto:User-committee at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: [User-committee] User Survey

We have run a user survey prior to each of the OpenStack summits for the past two years.

My default proposal would be to run another one before Paris to see how the community is evolving.

I would agree.

In Hong Kong, we had not planned to present but in the end, an impromptu meetup was organised (which led amongst other things to the start of the operations meet up).

Given that we’re hoping to organise an operations ‘design’ style track at Paris, I would propose to include a quick highlight presentation in that session along with a more detailed document for those who wish to drill down further.

This seems like a great fit to me.  The only concern I would have is that the user survey captures two voices – those who interface with OpenStack APIs to deploy applications (end users) and those who deploy and mange OpenStack itself.  Would those in the first group find their way to the session?  It's probably more of a logistical questions – making sure that the session time in the new "Ops" pieces are on a day when the main summit is underway as well.  (I'm trying to recall the dates proposed in a meeting in ATL, and I believe there was some overlap between the time for the Ops meet ups and the main conference)

The other question is expiry of clouds which have not been updated. I think that if the data on a deployment has not been updated within 12 months, it should not be considered within the statistics.

Seems reasonable to me

Given the timing of the summit at the start of November, a timing such as below would seem reasonable:

-        1st September – Questions finalised

-        15th September – User Survey pages updated and published on openstack.org. Requests to update sent out.

-        7th October – Survey closed

-        4th November – Results published

Any thoughts ?

Sounds good – how can I help?


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