[Product] App Developer Recruitment Survey business cards

Kruithof Jr, Pieter pieter.kruithof.jr at intel.com
Tue Jun 21 19:18:06 UTC 2016


Ju and I have created a set of business cards that can be distributed at open source events. The cards include the link to the App Developer recruitment survey as well as a code that can be scanned into mobile phones.

Let me know if you’re interested and I can email the proof which can be used by the local FedEx Office.  I also don’t mind call them and taking care of the order so you can just drive over to Fedex and pick-up the cards (after you pay…)



Piet Kruithof
Sr User Experience Architect, Intel OTC
PTL, OpenStack UX Project

Mobile: 512 576-2844
IRC: piet

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