[Product] Liberty Fan Fare

Kenny Johnston kenny.johnston at RACKSPACE.COM
Fri Nov 6 20:20:04 UTC 2015

I know, three emails in one day...

Tokyo was my first OpenStack summit, and I had a blast, learned a lot and met a lot of folks for the first time face to face. There was one thing that struck me as strange. Nowhere, in the Keynotes, presentations, OpenStack.org, in the materials handed to me, did I find a compelling "Here is why OpenStack Liberty is better/sexier/stronger/faster."

I thought one place where the Product Working Group could help, especially as we continue to communicate the roadmap, might be in analyzing the Release Notes [1] and distilling them down into specific customer value found in Liberty. While the exercise will be less useful this time around, it will help us prepare for the Mitaka release and figure out where that kind of content might be useful.

Thoughts? Would this be something that could be better stated as "we should have more consumable release notes?" Is it worth pursuing?

If folks think so I'd like to get a group together to begin this exercise.


Kenny Johnston | Senior Product Manager, Private Cloud | Rackspace
kenny.johnston at rackspace.com | rackspace.com |

[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ReleaseNotes/Liberty

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