[Openstack] [Neutron][Murano] OpenWRT openstack image ready for download and usage

Sam Stoelinga sammiestoel at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 09:15:36 UTC 2015

I created an OpenWRT image based on dtroyers blog post.
Download here:
Github repo which I will try to maintain with latest builds of OpenWRT for
OpenStack: https://github.com/samos123/openstack-openwrt-image

Future possible steps:

   - Create an Murano Application that enables users of Murano to utilize
   OpenWRT as lightweight vRouter and vFW instead of using l3-provided router.
   - Create a Neutron l3 service plugin like vyatta router that uses
   OpenWRT instead of vyatta. Maybe can re-use code. (Not sure if there is
   demand for this)

Special thanks to Dtroyer for writing a detailed blog post on how to create
the image and the rc.cloud package! All credit goes to him I only executed
commands and sharing a url for a download.
Source: http://hackstack.org/x/blog/2014/08/17/openwrt-images-for-openstack/
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