[Openstack] nova 'absolute-limits': where does it get the totalInstancesUsed from? (they are wrong)

Don Waterloo don.waterloo at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 13:53:11 UTC 2014

In horizon, i see '14 instances used for me. This in turn comes from the
same source as 'nova absolute-limits'.
The problem is, I have 0 instances in use.
I even removed all instances for my user-id and my project-id from the nova
database. Now 'select count(*) from instances where user_id = 'XXXX or
project_id = YYYY'' returns 0 for me. But I still see this '14' come out.

$ nova absolute-limits
| Name                    | Value  |
| maxServerMeta           | 128    |
| maxPersonality          | 5      |
| totalServerGroupsUsed   | 0      |
| maxImageMeta            | 128    |
| maxPersonalitySize      | 10240  |
| maxTotalRAMSize         | 512000 |
| maxTotalKeypairs        | 100    |
| maxSecurityGroupRules   | 20     |
| maxServerGroups         | 10     |
| totalCoresUsed          | 14     |
| totalRAMUsed            | 16896  |
| maxSecurityGroups       | 10     |
| totalFloatingIpsUsed    | 0      |
*| totalInstancesUsed      | 14     |*
| totalSecurityGroupsUsed | 1      |
| maxTotalFloatingIps     | 500    |
| maxTotalInstances       | 1000   |
| maxTotalCores           | 1000   |
| maxServerGroupMembers   | 10     |

$ nova list
| ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |

select count(*) from instances where user_id =
'dcec599e9fc9467fad91ce953ec7f1bd' or project_id =
| count(*) |
|        0 |

Where would I go to look for the source of this? The underlying API call
is GET /v2/4c4f696dbb054c24b30b32562ba624f2/limits, so its obviously done
for my tenant/project.

This is Juno on Ubuntu 14.10.
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