[Openstack] OpenStack Community Weekly Newsletter (Dec 6 – 13)

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Fri Dec 13 23:16:08 UTC 2013

      PTL Project Update Webinars Start Next Week

To allow for broader participation, we’ve scheduled post-Summit webinars
with the Project Team Leads (PTLs) to provide the latest project updates
rather than schedule these tracks during the Summit. We’ll be trying out
this new format starting next week. Join us Tuesday and Thursday at 7
a.m. Pacific/10 a.m. Eastern to discuss Neutron, Keystone, Nova, and
Swift. Then we’ll take a break for the holidays and finish off with the
remaining OpenStack projects finishing January 9. More details will be
available Monday, check the blog for sign-up links. If you miss these
events, they will be recorded and the recording links shared in a future

      It’s Summer Internship Time in the Southern Hemisphere!

Since it’s summertime in the southern hemisphere, we can now announce
our next round of Outreach Program for Women internships
<https://wiki.gnome.org/OutreachProgramForWomen/2013/DecemberMarch>! We
have four interns and four mentors this time around. Many thanks to HP,
the OpenStack Foundation, and Rackspace for funding our four. HP also
stepped in this round and made it possible for more of the nine
participating organizations to select interns, including OpenStack.
Plus, Red Hat developers are mentoring our interns. Anne Gentle asked
each intern, what do you see when you look above your screen? Find out
on the blog post!

      Release of OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) 1.11.0

The team released the new version of OpenStack Object Storage service:
26 developers worked on it, 5 are new contributors. Lots of changes
Congratulations to the team.

      Week-end project: Gerrit-powered meetings agenda

If anyone is looking for a limited-scope infra project to get more
familiar with OpenStack Infra, Thierry suggested to develop a new tool
to help manage the OpenStack Meetings calendar. Currently people modify
a wiki page and some other people are subscribed to page changes and
manually reflect them in a Google Calendar, which can be
downloaded/imported as .ics. This is extremely error-prone and quite

    Tips ‘n Tricks

  * By Adam Young <http://adam.younglogic.com/>: Load up the Keystone
    User Table <http://adam.younglogic.com/2013/12/load-keystone-user/>
  * By Kashyap Chamarthy <http://kashyapc.wordpress.com/>: Script to
    create Neutron tenant networks
  * By Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph <http://princessleia.com/journal>:
    OpenStack Infrastructure December Bug Day
  * By Mirantis <http://www.mirantis.com/>: OpenStack Benchmarking on
    SoftLayer with Rally
  * By Loïc Dachary <http://dachary.org/>: wget on an OpenStack instance
    hangs ? Try lowering the MTU <http://dachary.org/?p=2570>

    Upcoming Events

  * 3rd OpenStack User Group Nordics meetup
    Jan 15, 2014 – Stockholm, Sweden Details

    Reports from previous events

  * Swiss and Rhone Alpes User Group Meeting at CERN
  * OpenStack in Action, Paris (5DEC2013) – quick recap
  * Neutron in Production: Work in Progress or Ready for Prime Time?
  * OpenStack Community Pavilion at Gartner Data Center Conference

    Security Advisories and Notes

  * [OSSA 2013-036] Insufficient sanitization of Instance Name in
    Horizon (CVE-2013-6858)
  * [OSSA 2013-035] Heat ReST API doesn’t respect tenant scoping
  * [OSSA 2013-034] Heat CFN policy rules not all enforced
  * [OSSA 2013-033] Metadata queries from Neutron to Nova are not
    restricted by tenant (CVE-2013-6419)
  * [OSSA 2013-032] Keystone trust circumvention through EC2-style
    tokens (CVE-2013-6391)
  * [OSSN] Glance allows sharing of images between projects without
    consumer project approval

    Other News

  * Open Mic Spotlight: Zhang Hua
  * What’s New In Stackalytics (12/12/13) – Correction(s)!
  * The 2014 OpenStack Individual Member Director Elections and Red Hat
  * Murano Demo: Telnet Server on Fedora Linux
  * Stack mobile 1.0, a GUI to manage OpenStack clouds on Google Play
  * OpenStack Project Meeting: Summary
    and full logs

    Got Answers?

Ask OpenStack <https://ask.openstack.org/> is the go-to destination for
OpenStack users. Interesting questions waiting for answers:

  * How do I connect my OpenStack Grizzly cinder node to HP 3PAR 7200
    without Domain License?
  * Combination Active Directory / SQL authentication for Keystone
  * Keystonclient upgrade problems with babel
  * can I access the data stored on swift through a web browser
  * NeutronClientException when booting instances
  * Deploying WordPress_Single_Instance.template with Heat installs old
    openssl package

    Welcome New Reviewers and Developers

Is your affiliation correct? Check your profile in the OpenStack
Foundation Members Database! <http://www.openstack.org/profile/>

	Stephen Sugden

Verónica Musso
	Gabriel Pettier

Sergey Slipushenko

Mikhail Durnosvistov
	sebastian marcet

Matt Ray
	Torbjorn Tornkvist

Greg Hill
	Ryo Miki

Dan Genin

Ryo Miki
	Itsuro Oda

Rhys Oxenham
	Irena Berezovsky

	Steve Kowalik

Matthew Oliver
	Shree Duth Awasthi

Matt Kassawara
	Rhys Oxenham

Mark T. Voelker
	Florent Flament

	Donald Dugger

Max Rydahl Andersen
	Dima Shulyak

Ivan Kolodyazhny
	Andrey Kurilin



Thomas Stenberg
	Terry Tata

Geronimo Orozco
	Stanislav Kudriashev

Andrey Kurilin
	Paul McMillan

Shree Duth Awasthi
	Mike Scherbakov

Jaroslav Henner
	Matthew Mosesohn

Andy Dugas
	Geronimo Orozco

sebastian marcet
	Eiichi Aikawa

Saranya Pandian
	David Koo

Cristian A Sanchez

	Everett Toews

	Ed Bak

	Dylan Yu

	Daniel Kuffner

	Ana Krivokapic'

	Jianyong Chen

	Max Rydahl Andersen

	Sergey Slipushenko

	Rodney Beede

	Peter Hamilton


	Don Talton

	David Wittman

	Andrew Woodward

	Ken Giusti

	Guilherme Birk

    Latest Activity In Projects

Do you want to see at a glance the bugs filed and solved this week?
Latest patches submitted for review? Check out the individual project
pages on OpenStack Activity Board – Insights

  * Telemetry (Ceilometer)
  * Block Storage (Cinder)
  * Image Service (Glance)
  * Orchestration API
    <http://activity.openstack.org/data/display/OPNSTK2/heat> (Heat)
  * Dashboard (Horizon)
  * Bare Metal Provisioning (Ironic)
  * Identity (Keystone)
  * Manuals
  * Networking (Neutron)
  * Compute (Nova) <http://activity.openstack.org/data/display/OPNSTK2/nova>
  * Hadoop Cluster as a Service (Savanna)
  * Object Storage (Swift)
  * Database As A Service (Trove)

/The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the
various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add
content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please
leave a comment./

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