[Openstack] Single global dependency list

Monty Taylor mordred at inaugust.com
Tue Jul 3 14:53:58 UTC 2012

On 07/03/2012 10:09 AM, Eric Windisch wrote:
> I have to agree with others that copying files around is not ideal, and
> I can see the maintenance of this getting more involved as Nova becomes
> more coupled with common.
>>> Additionally, we'd make the copy only copy in the versions from
>>> openstack-common for package that were already listed in the target
>>> project, so that we wouldn't add django to python-swiftclient, for
>>> instance.
> This seems to be a reasonable argument against using git submodules, but
> I'm afraid we might be losing more than we're gaining here.
> Just because python-swiftclient depends on openstack-common, and
> django-using code exists there, doesn't mean that django needs to be
> installed for python-swiftclient. We might do better to use git
> submodules and solve the dependency problem, than continuing down this
> copy-everything path.

We're explicitly NOT doing a copy-everything path. That's the whole
point. We're only copying the needed depends from the master list.

git submodules actually make the problem worse, not better.

> Alternatively, speed up the movement from incubation to library.

Yeah - that's kind of the reason that bcwaldon was saying this shouldn't
be in openstack-common. openstack-common wants to be a library, and then
we're back at not having an appropriate place for the master list.


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