[openstack-tw] OpenStack Taiwan Day Committee member nomination

Tom Fifield tom at openstack.org
Mon Mar 16 03:38:43 UTC 2015

Hi all,

(NB: I'm acting in as a regular member of the Taiwan user group in this
email. This is not an OpenStack Foundation request, requirement or

I'm not sure if he will accept this, but I would like to nominate Y.F.
Juan (阮耀飛), Deputy Director, ITRI for the OpenStack Taiwan Day Committee.

Perhaps not many of you will know Y.F. - but you really should - he's a
very friendly and very respected individual.

Y.F. is the leader of OpenCompute in Taiwan, and brought the OpenCompute
testing centre here. He also has years of experience working with
silicon valley companies in leadership positions, so is very well connected.

More recently, he has had increasing interest and involvement in
OpenStack (at both a high level and also working directly with his
engineers) and we've had some good chats on what government
organizations like ITRI need from us to get more involved in the future.

I think Y.F. could bring strategic guidance and direction to the
OpenStack Taiwan Day Committee, to ensure the event is a success not
just for us working with OpenStack, but also for Open ideals in Taiwan
at every level.



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