[openstack-tw] 2nd OpenStack Day Meeting Minutes

Joanna H. Huang joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 00:22:23 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Thanks to Chris and all attendees for the notes. The following is the 
minute from last meeting on Friday.

Please note that the feedbacks for sponsorship proposal and budget plans 
are required from all committee members and community users. Your 
comments and suggestion will be very welcome and greatly appreciated.

The working groups have been discussed and proposed to drive event work 
progress. We need volunteers to pick up the lead role of each group. 
Please feel free to response and volunteer. The group lead is not 
limited to committee members. Everyone can volunteer to be the group 
lead or member.

Since the payment deadline for event venue will be due soon on 8th of 
May. All action items should be completed before 24th of April. We are 
aiming to hold the 3rd meeting in the week of 20-24 April. A doodle poll 
has been sent out to decide the best time to meet for next meeting. It's 
compulsory for committee members to response to doodle poll and send 
apology letter for absence. But everyone from the community is very 
welcome to response and join our meeting for discussion.


*OpenStack Day Taiwan 2nd Meeting Minutes*

*Date and Time*

  * Date: Friday, 10th, April, 2015

  * Time: 5PM


(c) = Committee Member

  * Chris Huang (c)

  * Joanna H. Huang (c)

  * Charles Hsu (c)

  * 張凱 (c)

  * Leo Chang

  * RicoLin

  * Jhen-Wei Huang

  * Shang Wu

  * TomFifield


  * Yoyo Chiang (c)

  * Felix Lee (c)


  * Preparatory work milestone and schedule review

  * Working group discussion

  * Budget plan and sponsorship proposal review

  * AOB


志工編組職責:組長負責各組業務,並招募各組副手、助手(建議, 但不限於先 

  * 委員長-爭議仲裁

      * 志工推派為主,日本委員會委員 長Akihiro Hasegawa 或是 OpenStack社
        群經理Tom Fifield 是不得已的備案

      * should be a full-committee decision.

  * 行政總務組-

      * 會議安排(會議日期時間提醒、場地協調、通知志工委 員及社群成員)

      * 活動流程,大會現場管控

      * 各組里程碑工作進度整合報告

  * 議程組

      * 規劃主題(大會主軸、Tracks主題類別)

      * 自有議程掌控、邀請講師、審核報告內容

      * 當天的Agendatimetable劃定

  * 會計招商組-張凱先找聯絡方式(和 iThome先討論),之後再轉給正式組長接手

      * 招商及詢問窗口

      * 收錢

      * 廠商滿意度服務

      * 招商訊息發佈管道

          * post on https://www.facebook.com/groups/openstack.tw

          * use openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org

          * use community at lists.openstack.org

          * use marketing at lists.openstack.org

          * use list of sponsors from 2014

          * post on OpenStack Weekly Newsletter

          * One  person needs to send the email, from their non-work
            email address and  sign the email with "On Behalf of the
            OpenStack Taiwan Day  Organising  Committee"

          * == VOLUNTEER NEEDED TO DO THIS. ==

  * 行銷組-

      * 社群行銷

      * 媒體購買/或廣告交換

      * 招生人數追蹤

      * 大會官網建立-委外iThome或另找 其他網站架設公司

  * 國際組-

      * 和基金會溝通,瞭解規則

      * 與基金會確認招商時間要求(2個月?)

      * 提供大會來自各國的經驗和建議

      * 協助各組取得各國人士聯絡資訊,招商與 講師,甚至國外的與會者
        (OpenStack foundation member, board director, ambassador)

      * 大會訊息在國際社群的露出

*Action Items*

  * 星期一前寄出會議記錄

  * 「張凱」-協助志工聯繫(電話溝通)

  * 「Joanna」安排下次的會議時間(兩週 內4/20~24),依照下週三為止的回應

  * 「Chris」排後續固定開會日期(排出公 告後,請異議者於48hours內提出)

  * 「Chris」訂出大會里程碑

  * 「各組組長」訂出各組工作里程碑

  * 「Chris」委員會工作組別職責公佈,請志工於第三次會議前先自願認領各組組長

  * 「Joanna、張凱」協助邀請志工擔任無 人認領組的組長

  * 「所有社群成員」招商企劃review、預算review,並回覆feekbacks到
    openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org

  * 「Leo」彙整招商企劃和預算review feedback

  * 選出仲裁者-志工委員長(志工票選>日 本>Tom)

  * 準備潛在贊助商的聯絡名單,預告招商

下次會議後的TO DO LIST

  * Training-etherpad,在下次會議結束後預留15分鐘訓練各組組長使用
    Etherpad工具作為工作進度報告及文件整合工具。(徵求志工負 責訓練內
    容:Joanna and ?)

  * 立刻發布招商文件,開始招募贊助

*Next Meeting*

  * Doodle poll for 3rd meeting in the week of 20-24 April:

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