[openstack-tw] Fw: OpenStack Taiwan 2nd meeting

Tom Fifield tom at openstack.org
Thu Apr 9 09:35:07 UTC 2015

For one, I'm really interested to hear all the latest news and see some
progress toward having a great OpenStack Taiwan Day! I will be there -
on the hangout, if not in person :)

On 09/04/15 17:04, Joanna H. Huang wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you know it's been hard to set the time for this meeting to happen
> and get our community users and committee members to attend since there
> was no one who volunteered to coordinate for this meeting before the
> scheduled time on 7th April.
> The current outcome for the meeting date/time was based on community
> members' inputs. Every member got the chance to provide feedbacks before
> the decision was being made. I appropriate your thoughts, but it's too
> late and we are gonna go ahead to hold this meeting. 
> I would like to suggest still hold this meeting tomorrow as scheduled:
> Date/Time: *3PM Friday, 10th April*
> Location: *伯朗咖啡科大店, 台北市大安區忠孝東路三段52號*
> Google Hangouts:
> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/am9hbm5hLmh1aXR6dS5odWFuZ0BnbWFpbC5jb20.flqmthnvp44d430tun34fi5tk8?authuser=0#
> However, online meeting session should be set up. Minutes should be
> provided for our users to review after meeting. The main purpose for
> this meeting is to discuss and provide the initial feedbacks to the
> event organiser iThome about their proposals. I don't think there will
> be many decision making points in this meeting. Everyone is still very
> welcome to continue participating the proposal review process via email
> after the meeting.
> And indeed that we should start organising the 3rd meeting joined 1st
> committee meeting with at least 1 month notice beforehand. I'll be
> volunteering to organise the upcoming meetings.
> Cheers,
> Joanna
> On 09/04/15 16:42, mac Jack wrote:
>> 大家好
>> 我這邊有幾點意見想要提出來供大家參考
>> 也歡迎大家來修正我的想法或是不足的地方
>> 第一)明天下午的會議時間以及地點
>> 時間部分
>> 時間上說真的有些倉促
>> 我想很多人就算用線上方式參加可能也無法配合
>> 請問能否在下週訂定另一個時間
>> 這個時間就是所有委員務必要參與的時間
>> 地點
>> 咖啡廳的環境
>> 其實有些不太適合會議的進行
>> 而且讓會議的品質降低
>> 這點要請大家幫忙找個會議室來讓會議順利進行
>> 第二)會議的參與人數
>> 會議參與人數依據前次會議(如果我有記錯請修正我)
>> 加入的委員會的委員務必參加
>> 如果無法前來參加請委託代理人請往參加
>> 其他就開放給所有社群朋友自由參加
>> 另外參與人數(包含線上以及實際到場的人數)太少能否代表社群所有人的意見?
>> 委員會(含委託代理人)的參與人數不足一半應該就這次的會議宣布流會才對
>> 第三 ITHome方面所提供的proposal以及預算
>> 關於這部分能否先請各位能先審閱過後
>> 才來一起開會
>> 另外這樣也可以在開會的時候達到一些共識
>> 便於在會議時提出或是決議
>> 謝謝各位
>> Best Regards
>> macJack
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> From: chrishuang at mail.ithome.com.tw
>> To: joanna at aptira.com; yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com;
>> openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
>> Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 13:11:37 +0800
>> Subject: Re: [openstack-tw] Fw: OpenStack Taiwan 2nd meeting
>> Yes, There is Wifi.
>> ~Chris +886-(0)939723239
>> *From:*Joanna H. Huang [mailto:joanna at aptira.com]
>> *Sent:* Thursday, April 09, 2015 1:10 PM
>> *To:* Chris Huang; yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com;
>> openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-tw] Fw: OpenStack Taiwan 2nd meeting
>> Is there free wifi at cafe? We can set up Google hangouts for those
>> who would like to attend meeting online.
>> Cheers,
>> Joanna
>> On 09/04/15 13:03, Chris Huang wrote:
>>     Dear Guys,
>>     伯 朗咖啡(科大店)好嗎?
>>     l   台北市大安區忠孝東路三段52號
>>     l   http://www.mrbrown.com.tw/Stores/InquiryDetail.aspx?AID=1&ID=18
>>     l   有電源孔可以使用
>>     l   位於市中心捷運橘線、藍線交會區的忠孝新生站
>>     ~Chris +886-(0)939723239
>>     *From:*Joanna H. Huang [mailto:joanna at aptira.com]
>>     *Sent:* Thursday, April 09, 2015 12:37 PM
>>     *To:* Chris Huang; yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com
>>     <mailto:yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com>;
>>     openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
>>     <mailto:openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org>
>>     *Subject:* Re: [openstack-tw] Fw: OpenStack Taiwan 2nd meeting
>>     Hi Chris,
>>     Thanks for the great work of the sponsorship proposal and budget
>>     plans!
>>     Based on what we got in those document, I think we do need to hold
>>     a meeting to review current plans together and work out a list of
>>     required action items to kick off community efforts for this event.
>>     The winning time slot for next meeting is *Friday 10th April 3PM*.
>>     The *expected participants* are:
>>     Joanna H. Huang
>>     Chris Huang
>>     Yoyo Chiang
>>     Charles Hsu (Online)
>>     Leo Chang
>>     *More attendees are very welcome and encouraged to join!*
>>     *Meeting location needs to be confirmed*. I would like to back up
>>     Chris's idea to hold the meeting at a cafe where the expected
>>     participants (who has replied to attend) can easily reach. Unless
>>     there is anyone who volunteers to provide meeting space.
>>     Suggestions to the location of meeting are required.
>>     Cheers,
>>     Joanna
>>     On 09/04/15 11:40, Chris Huang wrote:
>>         Dear Guys,
>>         The materials is being held until the list moderator can
>>         review it for approval.
>>         Message body is too big: 8294295 bytes with a limit of 2000 KB
>>         ~Chris +886-(0)939723239
>>         *From:*yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com
>>         <mailto:yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com>
>>         [mailto:yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com]
>>         *Sent:* Thursday, April 09, 2015 10:42 AM
>>         *To:* openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
>>         <mailto:openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org>
>>         *Subject:* [openstack-tw] Fw: OpenStack Taiwan 2nd meeting
>>         Thanks Joanna.
>>         My opinion is... if we can get some materials as listed
>>         below (I think IThome may have these) to study/preview before
>>         Friday afternoon, then the meeting would be poductive even
>>         with only few people.
>>         ===================================
>>         *志****工委員會應召開首次會議,決議:*
>>         l   贊助方案、贊助商權益、義務與 限制確認
>>         l   收入預估與大會預算表
>>         l   收入不足與收入超額之後續應變 規範
>>         l   大會承辦單位:招商、招生、物 流管控、現場執行等
>>         ===================================
>>         If it’s too rush to get these materials to be ready by Friday,
>>         then it’d be better to discuss/communicate via email or other
>>         collaboration platform first, to save time for all.
>>         For your reference.
>>         雙 子星雲端運算股份有限公司
>>         Gemini Open Cloud Computing Inc.
>>         行 銷長Chief Marketing Officer
>>         姜 昱有Yoyo Chiang
>>         Tel : 03-6590698 #212
>>         Mobile : 0988-580-206
>>         Email : yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com
>>         <mailto:yoyochiang at geminiopencloud.com>
>>         地 址: 30070 新 竹市東區公道五路二段158號11樓 之3
>>         官 方網站:www.GeminiOpenCloud.com
>>         FB粉 絲團: https://www.facebook.com/Gemini.GOCloud
>>         *寄件者:* Joanna H. Huang <mailto:joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com>
>>         *寄件日期:* ‎2015‎年‎4月‎9‎日‎星期四‎上午‎ ‎10‎:‎35
>>         *收件者:* openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
>>         <mailto:openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org>
>>         Hi all,
>>         Thanks to all who responded to the doodle pool. The current
>>         winning slot is *this Friday afternoon 2pm or 3pm*.
>>         I've sent out emails to reach as many community and committee
>>         members as possible, but haven't got much response. Therefore,
>>         I would like to propose two options for you guys to consider.
>>         The first option is to hold the meeting on this Friday based
>>         on the the result of poll. We may have low attendance rate for
>>         the meeting. Committee members who can't make it to the
>>         meeting will have to follow up the minutes and discuss via
>>         email about the tasks they can contribute to.
>>         Or we cancel the meeting for this month and discuss or report
>>         all the preparation tasks via email instead. And we aim to
>>         hold the first committee board meeting joined with monthly
>>         meeting in May.
>>         Let me know what you guys prefer.
>>         I would like to encourage your participation to our community
>>         volunteer work. /Your input will bring in great influences to
>>         the success of OpenStack Day Taiwan 2015./ I also would like
>>         to gently remind committee board members of their
>>         responsibility to participate the preparation activities for
>>         this event. /The great success will be accomplished if we can
>>         work together as a team/.
>>         I'm looking forward to working with you all and learning from
>>         your great experience.
>>         Cheers,
>>         Joanna
>>          08/04/15 16:30, Chris Huang wrote:
>>             Dear Joanna,
>>             It seems that I didn’t save well my availability, and I
>>             just update again.
>>             Thank you for reminding.
>>             ~Chris +886-(0)939723239
>>             *From:*Joanna H. Huang [mailto:joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com]
>>             *Sent:* Wednesday, April 08, 2015 4:27 PM
>>             *To:* Chris Huang; openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
>>             <mailto:openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org>
>>             *Subject:* Re: [openstack-tw] OpenStack Taiwan 2nd meeting
>>             Hi Chris,
>>             It seems that you won't be able to make it this week nor
>>             the following week. Is anyone from iThome who is attending
>>             and will report the work status in the meeting?
>>             Based on the minutes from last meeting, we will need
>>             report from iThome about budget plan update and
>>             sponsorship proposal for OpenStack Day.
>>             Thanks,
>>             Joanna
>>             On 08/04/15 16:13, Chris Huang wrote:
>>                 Dear Joanna,
>>                 Thanks for your invitation. I’ve updated my
>>                 availability on it.
>>                 ~Chris +886-(0)939723239
>>                 *From:*Joanna H. Huang
>>                 [mailto:joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com]
>>                 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 08, 2015 3:46 PM
>>                 *To:* Chris Huang; 'Joanna H. Huang'; 'Tsao, Terence';
>>                 openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
>>                 <mailto:openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org>; 'Charles Hsu'
>>                 *Subject:* Re: [openstack-tw] OpenStack Taiwan 2nd meeting
>>                 Hi Chris,
>>                 I'll update your availability on Doodle poll:
>>                 http://doodle.com/9i2x57g6tvwsp45y
>>                 Thanks a lot.
>>                 Cheers,
>>                 Joanna
>>                 On 07/04/15 12:39, Chris Huang wrote:
>>                     Dear Guys,
>>                     It seems we won't have a meeting today,
>>                     Could you please mark the dates you can meet?
>>                     Day
>>                     Date
>>                     Who can make it
>>                     4/8
>>                     Chris
>>                     4/9
>>                     4/10
>>                     Chris
>>                     4/13
>>                     Chris
>>                     4/14
>>                     Chris
>>                     4/15
>>                     4/16
>>                     4/17
>>                     Chris
>>                     ~Chris +886-(0)939723239
>>                     -----Original Message-----
>>                     From: Joanna H. Huang [mailto:joanna at aptira.com]
>>                     Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 12:28 PM
>>                     To: Tsao, Terence;
>>                     openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org
>>                     <mailto:openstack-tw at lists.openstack.org>; Joanna
>>                     H. Huang; Charles Hsu
>>                     Subject: Re: [openstack-tw] OpenStack Taiwan 2nd
>>                     meeting
>>                     Hi Terence,
>>                     The number committee board members is around 15,
>>                     plus some community users so I reckon it will be
>>                     around 20-30.
>>                     I won't be able to attend this meeting today.
>>                     I think we should discuss a role of coordinator
>>                     for meeting arrangement and confirmation in our
>>                     next meeting.
>>                     Cheers,
>>                     Joanna
>>                     On 07/04/15 12:18, Tsao, Terence wrote:
>>                     > Hello guys,
>>                     > 
>>                     > Do we know how many people will attend this meeting ? I have
>>                     schedule conflict this afternoon .
>>                     > Thank you.
>>                     > 
>>                     > Terence Tsao
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
>>                     > "Joanna H. Huang"
>>                     > <joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com<mailto:joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com
>>                     <mailto:joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com%3cmailto:joanna.huitzu.huang at gmail.com>>>
>>                     > 於2015/4/7 下 午12:02 寫 道:
>>                     > 
>>                     > Hi guys,
>>                     > 
>>                     > Just talked to GigaMedia that they have booked the meeting room
>>                     for this meeting for today. Can you please suggest
>>                     if you can make it to this meeting today in the
>>                     afternoon or do you prefer to reschedule this meeting?
>>                     > 
>>                     > Cheers,
>>                     > Joanna
>>                     > 
>>                     > On 07/04/15 11:32, Joanna H. Huang wrote:
>>                     > Hi guys,
>>                     > 
>>                     > I've created an etherpad page as Charles suggested:
>>                     > https://etherpad.mozilla.org/ZSgojtzTrz
>>                     > 
>>                     > Feel free to compose this page for further details. Formal
>>                     meeting invitation or notification should be sent
>>                     beforehand.
>>                     > 
>>                     > Also please suggest the date for the 2nd OpenStack Day
>>                     preparatory meeting. I assume that all committee
>>                     board members should attend this meeting or an
>>                     absence notification/reason is required.
>>                     > 
>>                     > Cheers,
>>                     > Joanna
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
>>                     > On 07/04/15 11:03, Charles Hsu wrote:
>>                     > Hi Joanna,
>>                     > 
>>                     > I think if we can send a notification of each meeting in
>>                     maillist, it'll be helpful.
>>                     > Please create a etherpad for each meeting.
>>                     > 
>>                     > Best,
>>                     > Charles
>>                     > 
>>                     > 2015-04-07 10:58 GMT+08:00 Joanna H. Huang
>>                     <joanna at aptira.com<mailto:joanna at aptira.com
>>                     <mailto:joanna at aptira.com%3cmailto:joanna at aptira.com>>>:
>>                     > Hi all,
>>                     > 
>>                     > I think we should reschedule this meeting to another day
>>                     this week since there wasn't a confirmation or
>>                     details or notification about this meeting.
>>                     > 
>>                     > Any thoughts?
>>                     > 
>>                     > Cheers,
>>                     > Joanna
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
>>                     > On 07/04/15 10:40, Charles Hsu wrote:
>>                     > Hi All,
>>                     > 
>>                     > 今 天似 乎有 個會議是在內湖,請問依舊照常舉行嗎?
>>                     會在IRC或 其他 通訊 軟體上同步 嗎?
>>                     > 我 沒有 參加 第一次會議,所以不是很清楚細節。
>>                     > 
>>                     > Thanks,
>>                     > Charles
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
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>>                     > 
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
>>                     > 
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