[openstack-tc] Board+TC meeting around Boston Summit

Flavio Percoco flavio at redhat.com
Mon Mar 27 11:13:19 UTC 2017

On 27/03/17 11:56 +0200, Thierry Carrez wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>Alan Clark just communicated to me that we'll have our traditional
>Board+TC+UC meeting on Sunday, May 7th in Boston, starting at 2pm (exact
>location still tbd). The focus will be on the work streams defined at
>the recent workshop.
>For those who will be around already, there will also be a
>Board+TC+UC+Staff dinner on Saturday, May 6th, 7pm. Location will be
>Level 3 of the Marriott Copley Place Hotel.

Thanks for the heads up. As for the dinner, is there a heads count limit? Can
spouses come too?


Flavio Percoco
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