[Openstack-stable-maint] Build failed in Jenkins: periodic-quantum-python26-stable-grizzly-centos6 #14

OpenStack Jenkins jenkins at openstack.org
Tue May 14 06:55:49 UTC 2013

See <https://jenkins.openstack.org/job/periodic-quantum-python26-stable-grizzly-centos6/14/changes>


[Gary Kotton] Validate that netaddr does not receive a string with whitespace

[Gary Kotton] Fix 500 raised on disassociate_floatingips when out of sync

[Gary Kotton] Change Daemon class to better match process command lines.

[...truncated 4946 lines...]
    test_get_device_name                                         OK    0.01
    test_plug_dev_exists                                         OK    0.00
    test_plug_mtu                                                OK    0.01
    test_plug_no_ns                                              OK    0.01
    test_plug_with_ns                                            OK    0.01
    test_unplug                                                  OK    0.01
    test_unplug_no_device                                        OK    0.01
    test_get_device_plugin_tag                                   OK    0.01
    test_get_driver_by_network_id                                OK    0.01
    test_set_device_plugin_tag                                   OK    0.01
    test_get_device_name                                         OK    0.00
    test_plug_alt_bridge                                         OK    0.01
    test_plug_mtu                                                OK    0.01
    test_plug_no_ns                                              OK    0.01
    test_plug_with_ns                                            OK    0.01
    test_unplug                                                  OK    0.01
    test_get_device_name                                         OK    0.00
    test_plug_alt_bridge                                         OK    0.01
    test_plug_mtu                                                OK    0.01
    test_plug_no_ns                                              OK    0.01
    test_plug_with_ns                                            OK    0.01
    test_plug_with_prefix                                        OK    0.01
    test_unplug                                                  OK    0.01
    test_device_does_not_exist                                   OK    0.00
    test_device_exists                                           OK    0.00
    test_as_root                                                 OK    0.00
    test_as_root_with_options                                    OK    0.00
    test_run                                                     OK    0.00
    test_run_with_options                                        OK    0.00
    test_eq_diff_name                                            OK    0.00
    test_eq_diff_namespace                                       OK    0.00
    test_eq_other_is_none                                        OK    0.00
    test_eq_same_name                                            OK    0.00
    test_eq_same_namespace                                       OK    0.00
    test_str                                                     OK    0.00
    test_name_property                                           OK    0.00
    test_add_address                                             OK    0.00
    test_add_address_scoped                                      OK    0.00
    test_del_address                                             OK    0.00
    test_flush                                                   OK    0.00
    test_list                                                    OK    0.00
    test_list_filtered                                           OK    0.00
    test_address_property                                        OK    0.00
    test_alias_property                                          OK    0.01
    test_delete                                                  OK    0.00
    test_mtu_property                                            OK    0.00
    test_qdisc_property                                          OK    0.00
    test_qlen_property                                           OK    0.00
    test_set_address                                             OK    0.00
    test_set_alias                                               OK    0.00
    test_set_down                                                OK    0.00
    test_set_mtu                                                 OK    0.00
    test_set_name                                                OK    0.00
    test_set_netns                                               OK    0.00
    test_set_up                                                  OK    0.00
    test_settings_property                                       OK    0.00
    test_state_property                                          OK    0.00
    test_add_namespace                                           OK    0.00
    test_delete_namespace                                        OK    0.00
    test_execute                                                 OK    0.00
    test_execute_env_var_prepend                                 OK    0.00
    test_namespace_doest_not_exist                               OK    0.00
    test_namespace_exists                                        OK    0.00
    test_add_gateway                                             OK    0.00
    test_del_gateway                                             OK    0.00
    test_get_gateway                                             OK    0.00
    test_pullup_route                                            OK    0.00
    test_pullup_route_first                                      OK    0.00
    test_add_device_to_namespace                                 OK    0.00
    test_add_device_to_namespace_is_none                         OK    0.00
    test_add_tuntap                                              OK    0.00
    test_add_veth                                                OK    0.00
    test_add_veth_with_namespaces                                OK    0.00
    test_ensure_namespace                                        OK    0.01
    test_ensure_namespace_existing                               OK    0.01
    test_garbage_collect_namespace_does_not_exist                OK    0.01
    test_garbage_collect_namespace_existing_empty_ns             OK    0.00
    test_garbage_collect_namespace_existing_not_empty            OK    0.00
    test_get_device                                              OK    0.00
    test_get_devices                                             OK    0.00
    test_get_devices_malformed_line                              OK    0.00
    test_get_namespaces                                          OK    0.00
    test_namespace_is_empty                                      OK    0.00
    test_namespace_is_empty_no_devices                           OK    0.00
    test_as_root_namespace                                       OK    0.00
    test_as_root_no_root_helper                                  OK    0.00
    test_execute_wrapper                                         OK    0.00
    test_execute_wrapper_int_options                             OK    0.00
    test_execute_wrapper_no_options                              OK    0.00
    test_run_namespace                                           OK    0.00
    test_run_no_namespace                                        OK    0.00
    test_create_pool_health_monitor                              OK    0.10
    test_delete_pool_health_monitor                              OK    0.06
    test_health_monitor_create                                   OK    0.06
    test_health_monitor_delete                                   OK    0.07
    test_health_monitor_get                                      OK    2.20
    test_health_monitor_list                                     OK    0.06
    test_health_monitor_update                                   OK    0.07
    test_member_create                                           OK    0.06
    test_member_delete                                           OK    0.07
    test_member_get                                              OK    0.06
    test_member_list                                             OK    0.06
    test_member_update                                           OK    0.07
    test_pool_create                                             OK    0.06
    test_pool_delete                                             OK    0.07
    test_pool_get                                                OK    0.06
    test_pool_list                                               OK    0.06
    test_pool_stats                                              OK    0.06
    test_pool_update                                             OK    0.06
    test_vip_create                                              OK    0.06
    test_vip_delete                                              OK    0.06
    test_vip_get                                                 OK    0.06
    test_vip_list                                                OK    0.06
    test_vip_update                                              OK    0.07
    test_create_pool_health_monitor                              OK    0.06
    test_delete_pool_health_monitor                              OK    0.07
    test_health_monitor_create                                   OK    0.06
    test_health_monitor_delete                                   OK    0.06
    test_health_monitor_get                                      OK    0.06
    test_health_monitor_list                                     OK    0.06
    test_health_monitor_update                                   OK    2.32
    test_member_create                                           OK    0.06
    test_member_delete                                           OK    0.07
    test_member_get                                              OK    0.06
    test_member_list                                             OK    0.06
    test_member_update                                           OK    0.07
    test_pool_create                                             OK    0.06
    test_pool_delete                                             OK    0.07
    test_pool_get                                                OK    0.06
    test_pool_list                                               OK    0.06
    test_pool_stats                                              OK    0.06
    test_pool_update                                             OK    0.07
    test_vip_create                                              OK    0.07
    test_vip_delete                                              OK    0.07
    test_vip_get                                                 OK    0.07
    test_vip_list                                                OK    0.06
    test_vip_update                                              OK    0.07
    test_call                                                    OK    0.01
    test_call_internal_server_error                              OK    0.01
    test_call_no_instance_match                                  OK    0.01
    test_get_instance_id_network_id                              OK    0.01
    test_get_instance_id_network_id_no_match                     OK    0.01
    test_get_instance_id_router_id                               OK    0.01
    test_get_instance_id_router_id_no_match                      OK    0.01
    test_proxy_request_200                                       OK    0.01
    test_proxy_request_403                                       OK    0.01
    test_proxy_request_404                                       OK    0.00
    test_proxy_request_409                                       OK    0.01
    test_proxy_request_500                                       OK    0.01
    test_proxy_request_other_code                                OK    0.01
    test_proxy_request_post                                      OK    0.01
    test_sign_instance_id                                        OK    0.00
    test_init_empty_client                                       OK    0.01
    test_init_with_client                                        OK    0.01
    test_init_doesnot_exists                                     OK    0.01
    test_init_exists                                             OK    0.01
    test_init_exists_unlink_fails_file_still_exists              OK    0.00
    test_init_exists_unlink_no_file                              OK    0.00
    test_main                                                    OK    0.01
    test_run                                                     OK    0.01
    test_run                                                     OK    0.01
    test_start                                                   OK    0.00
    test_call                                                    OK    0.00
    test_call_internal_server_error                              OK    0.00
    test_no_argument_passed_to_init                              OK    0.00
    test_proxy_request_network_200                               OK    0.00
    test_proxy_request_network_404                               OK    0.00
    test_proxy_request_network_409                               OK    0.00
    test_proxy_request_network_418                               OK    0.01
    test_proxy_request_network_500                               OK    0.01
    test_proxy_request_network_exception                         OK    0.01
    test_proxy_request_router_200                                OK    2.41
    test_init                                                    OK    0.00
    test_main                                                    OK    0.01
    test_main_dont_fork                                          OK    0.02
    test_run                                                     OK    0.01
    test_connect                                                 OK    0.01
    test_default_not_found                                       OK    0.01
    test_not_found_policy_calls_default                          OK    0.01
    test_policy_called                                           OK    0.01
    test_modified_policy_reloads                                 OK    0.00
    test_check_bad_action_noraise                                OK    0.01
    test_early_AND_enforcement                                   OK    0.01
    test_early_OR_enforcement                                    OK    0.01
    test_enforce_bad_action_throws                               OK    0.01
    test_enforce_good_action                                     OK    0.01
    test_enforce_http_false                                      OK    0.01
    test_enforce_http_true                                       OK    0.01
    test_enforce_nonexistent_action_throws                       OK    0.01
    test_ignore_case_role_check                                  OK    0.01
    test_templatized_enforcement                                 OK    0.01
    test_enforce_adminonly_attribute_create                      OK    0.07
    test_enforce_adminonly_attribute_nonadminctx_returns_403     OK    0.01
    test_enforce_adminonly_attribute_update                      OK    0.01
    test_enforce_parentresource_owner                            OK    0.01
    test_enforce_regularuser_on_read                             OK    0.01
    test_nonadmin_read_on_private_fails                          OK    0.01
    test_nonadmin_read_on_shared_succeeds                        OK    0.01
    test_nonadmin_write_on_private_fails                         OK    0.01
    test_nonadmin_write_on_shared_fails                          OK    0.01
    testQuantumContextAdminToDict                                OK    0.00
    testQuantumContextAdminWithoutSessionToDict                  OK    0.00
    testQuantumContextCreate                                     OK    0.00
    testQuantumContextToDict                                     OK    0.00
    test_multiple_plugins_specified_for_service_type             OK    0.01
    test_service_plugin_is_loaded                                OK    0.03
    test_delete_quotas_forbidden                                 OK    0.31
    test_quotas_default_values                                   OK    0.31
    test_show_quotas_with_admin                                  OK    0.31
    test_show_quotas_without_admin_forbidden                     OK    0.31
    test_update_quotas_forbidden                                 OK    0.32
    test_delete_quotas_forbidden                                 Build timed out (after 30 minutes). Marking the build as failed.
++ rm -rf /tmp/tmp.8NfAilxkW9
[SCP] Connecting to static.openstack.org
[SCP] No file(s) found: **/*nose_results.html
[SCP] '**/*nose_results.html' doesn't match anything: '**' exists but not '**/*nose_results.html'
[SCP] Connecting to static.openstack.org
[SCP] Trying to create /srv/static/logs/periodic/periodic-quantum-python26-stable-grizzly-centos6/14
[SCP] Copying console log.

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