[OpenStack-Infra] Announcing a new infrastructure project, Vinz code review system.

Antoine Musso hashar at free.fr
Tue Mar 18 11:04:23 UTC 2014

Le 17/03/2014 20:43, Clint Byrum a écrit :
> http://www.ohloh.net/p/mediawiki - 233 developers


I am one of the Wikimedia dev and part of the group maintaining Gerrit.
We have roughly 400 Gerrit users.

We had a couple persons involved in enhancing Gerrit (for example a
plugin to interact with Bugzilla).

Nowadays, we barely have anyone coding for it beside fixing bugs that
strike us.  We do upgrade it from upstream as fast as possible though.

Our two majors concerns are the web interface usability and the lack of
easy branching + merge --no-ff

Some folks are pushing to migrate to phabricator which is more or less
integrate issue tracking, code quality and the review process.


Antoine "hashar" Musso

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