[OpenStack-Infra] Week-end project

Sean Dague sean at dague.net
Thu Dec 19 11:09:16 UTC 2013

On 12/19/2013 05:58 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
> Sean Dague wrote:
>> I think there are 2 approaches that I see being fruitful, depending on
>> the kind of problem the team is going after.
>> 1) the yaml -> ical converter.
>> Bulk of invention is going to be on the converter, especially
>> translating into ical recurrance rules. Also will probably want / need
>> to build an HTML UI for the end result so people can actually see it on
>> a webpage as well.
>> 2) drupal + calendar + workflow
>> I was actually thinking about what ttx said about no tool existing out
>> there to be able to take calendar updates into an approval queue. I
>> think you could actually build that pretty easily with drupal base site
>> (logins connected to lp openid) + calendar modules + workflow module
>> (that allows for approval queues on changes).
>> Different set of things to learn (more on the drupal side), however the
>> advantages would be that a lot of the UI and ical bits would be handled
>> already.
> So.. approach 2 would definitely be more friendly for non-devs, but what
> I like about option 1 (in addition to its lack of specific
> infrastructure setup) is that you can check the proposed change for
> future conflicts before it is even reviewed and at merge time, using the
> same check/gate mechanisms we have for everything else. It sounds a lot
> more difficult to set up such automated verification in the drupal case,
> so that would push the conflict validation onto the human reviewing the
> change...

That's definitely true. There would be a visual way to review, which
would be helpful.

Anyway, I'd let the team doing the implementation figure out which set
of problems they wanted to solve. Both would be massive improvements
from where we currently stand.

In my own nirvana I want a site I can go to, log in, tell it which
meetings I care about, and it builds me a custom ical feed that I can
link into my google calendar, and I'm done. Bonus if we actually got
people updating agendas in there. It feels like we could get there if we
started with a web stack that understood calendaring already. It's a ton
of work to get there from scratch. I've done calendaring up from scratch
before - https://github.com/sdague/inviter - it's all doable. It's just
way more than a weekend project, and way more about dealing with the
craziness of ical itself.


Sean Dague
Samsung Research America
sean at dague.net / sean.dague at samsung.com

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