[OpenStack-docs] Future of the HA Guide?

Andrew Beekhof abeekhof at redhat.com
Tue Dec 6 03:53:19 UTC 2016

I have no spec for this, but my plan has been to par back the guide to
the essentials.
Most OpenStack services no longer need any hand-holding from a cluster
manager and don't need to be covered.

Instead I think the guide should:
1. outline and justify an architecture
2. show how to configure shared services for HA, such as haproxy,
galera, rabbitmq
3. explain in general how to configure openstack services to use the
shared services (haproxy for galera, node list for rabbit, etc)
4. explain how to accomodate any active-passive services (ie. cinder-volume)

I (now) have most of this information ready in another context, what
remains is to shape it into a suitable format for the guide.
I might be able to find a few days for this before christmas if that
would help, but it would be good to have Alexandra's efforts completed
first least we end up with a tonne of merge conflicts.

-- Andrew

On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Lana Brindley
<openstack at lanabrindley.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Seems that the HA Guide is rearing its ugly head again at the moment. It's not had a lot of attention in the past year or so, so it's gotten more and more out of date. Under the guidance of Andrew Beekhof, it's slowly improving, and Alexandra Settle has been putting in a lot of effort recently, however it's time we decided whether or not it's worth overhauling the guide. At the moment, we have an unapproved blueprint here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/implement-ha-guide-todos
> So, what do you think? We know that a fair few people are looking at it (the HA Guide had 1,621 visitors in the last 30 days. Compare that to the Ubuntu Newton Install Guide which got 3,426 or the Ops Guide at 1,547 in the same period), but it's important that if people are accessing the information that it's accurate, and we already know the HA Guide is not current. Is it better to have it there and possibly incorrect, or to remove it entirely? Can we subsume any good content in the HA Guide into another guide (or guides)?
> I want to make sure we have a clear direction on this guide before we commit resources to improving it. So, ideas please, before the book gets consigned to the recycling bin!
> L
> --
> Lana Brindley
> Technical Writer
> Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia
> http://lanabrindley.com

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