[Openstack-docs] Proposal: Changing gate jobs for manuals

Andreas Jaeger aj at suse.com
Sun Sep 22 18:06:42 UTC 2013

Following up on some ideas of Christian Berendt and his implementation
of tools/test.py, I'm proposing to have two checking jobs for our manuals:

The first checking job is non-voting and runs:
tools/test.py --job-niceness

The second checking job is voting and runs:
tools/test.py --job-building

The niceness job currently only checks whitespace - and might fail if
there is extra whitespace. But this is no problem, since it's
non-voting. But the user gets informed about the failure unlike today
where it's not visible.

The build job would run the current checks we have in validate.py:
- checking that deleted files are not used anymore
- checking syntax
- building changed books

These two are checking jobs. As check-in gate I propose to only run the
build job.

We can easily enhance these two checking jobs with more tests as we add

Once this is all done, I would remove validate.py, replace it with a
call to test.py, or move test.py to validate.py. Any preferences?

My patch with cleanups of these tools (for now I tried to keep the two
files in sync) now is much less verbose:
$ tools/test.py --job-build

Checking that no removed files are referenced...
Passed removed file check, 41 files were removed, 627 files checked.

Validating files...
Validation passed, validated 14 files.

Queuing the following books for building:
Building all books now...
>>> Build of book admin-guide-network succeeded.
>>> Build of book install-guide succeeded.
>>> Build of book config-reference succeeded.

If you want more details, use --verbose. --force and --help are also

Please review my patch and tell me also whether you like the above proposal.

For the patch, see https://review.openstack.org/47760

 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter/Identica: jaegerandi
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
   GF: Jeff Hawn,Jennifer Guild,Felix Imendörffer,HRB16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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