Answer questions about 'OpenInfra Live - VGPU Management by OpenStack Nova and Cyborg'

Alex Song (宋文平) songwenping at
Fri Feb 17 02:01:47 UTC 2023

Hi everyone,


The Episode of VGPU Management by OpenStack Nova and Cyborg has completed.

Below is the answer of questions:


Q:Does Cyborg do the MIG configuration or is that done manually outside

A: We can configure MIG by cyborg-api, we list the MIG split combinations on
the page for user to set.

Cyborg-agent only need configure the driver of nvidia_mig_driver.

In the driver, we automatic discover the vgpu_types and PCI addresses and
set default vgpu_types.


Q:Do l get it right that we need at least Ussuri on the hosts for Nova ?

A: Yeah, from Ussuri we complete the interaction with Nova and Cyborg. If
you use old Nova version, you can cherry pick the Cyborg part code.


Q:does cyborg also help with SRIOV netork with MIG and passthrough hosts?

A: Firstly, Cyborg has supported manage SmartNIC SRIOV network.

Secondly, MIG and vGPU only support passthrough hosts in OpenStack nowadays,
GPUDirect need RDMA communication.




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