[TripleO] Issue in running Pre-Introspection

Anirudh Gupta anyrude10 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 11:17:33 UTC 2021

Hi Team,

I tried installing Undercloud using the below link:


I am getting the following error:

(undercloud) [stack at undercloud ~]$ openstack tripleo validator run --group
Selected log directory '/home/stack/validations' does not exist. Attempting
to create it.
| UUID                                 | Validations                     |
Status | Host_Group | Status_by_Host  | Unreachable_Hosts | Duration    |
| 7029c1f6-5ab4-465d-82d7-3f29058012ce | check-cpu                       |
PASSED | localhost  | localhost       |                   | 0:00:02.531 |
| db059017-30f1-4b97-925e-3f55b586d492 | check-disk-space                |
PASSED | localhost  | localhost       |                   | 0:00:04.432 |
| e23dd9a1-90d3-4797-ae0a-b43e55ab6179 | check-ram                       |
PASSED | localhost  | localhost       |                   | 0:00:01.324 |
| 598ca02d-258a-44ad-b78d-3877321cdfe6 | check-selinux-mode              |
PASSED | localhost  | localhost       |                   | 0:00:01.591 |
| c4435b4c-b432-4a1e-8a99-00638034a884 | *check-network-gateway           |
FAILED* | undercloud | *No host matched* |                   |             |
| cb1eed23-ef2f-4acd-a43a-86fb09bf0372 | *undercloud-disk-space           |
FAILED* | undercloud | *No host matched* |                   |             |
| abde5329-9289-4b24-bf16-c4d82b03e67a | *undercloud-neutron-sanity-check |
FAILED* | undercloud | *No host matched* |                   |             |
| d0e5fdca-ece6-4a37-b759-ed1fac31a10f | *ctlplane-ip-range               |
FAILED* | undercloud | No host matched |                   |             |
| 91511807-225c-4852-bb52-6d0003c51d49 | *dhcp-introspection              |
FAILED* | undercloud | No host matched |                   |             |
| e96f7704-d2fb-465d-972b-47e2f057449c |* undercloud-tokenflush           |
FAILED *| undercloud | No host matched |                   |             |

As per the validation link,


If gateway in undercloud.conf is different from local_ip, verify that the
gateway exists and is reachable

Observation - In my case IP specified in local_ip and gateway, both are
pingable, but still this error is being observed


Check the number of IP addresses available for the overcloud nodes.

Verify that the number of IP addresses defined in dhcp_start and
dhcp_end fields
in undercloud.conf is not too low.


   ctlplane_iprange_min_size: 20

Observation - In my case I have defined more than 20 IPs

Similarly for disk related issue, I have dedicated 100 GB space in /var and

Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs              12G     0   12G   0% /dev
tmpfs                 12G   84K   12G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                 12G  8.7M   12G   1% /run
tmpfs                 12G     0   12G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/cl-root  100G  2.5G   98G   3% /
/dev/mapper/cl-home   47G  365M   47G   1% /home
/dev/mapper/cl-var   103G  1.1G  102G   2% /var
/dev/vda1            947M  200M  747M  22% /boot
tmpfs                2.4G     0  2.4G   0% /run/user/0
tmpfs                2.4G     0  2.4G   0% /run/user/1000

Despite setting al the parameters, still I am not able to pass
pre-introspection checks. *"NO Host Matched" *is found in the table.


Anirudh Gupta
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