Some questions regarding OpenStack Trove Victoria release

Jeremy Stanley fungi at
Tue Feb 16 15:38:40 UTC 2021

On 2021-02-16 23:32:53 +1300 (+1300), Lingxian Kong wrote:
> There is no one currently working (or ever worked) on SQL Server
> support in Trove, but I don't think it is difficult to add. My
> only concern is, given the SQL Server is an enterprise database
> platform, how is it going to be tested in the upstream CI?

The way this is typically handled in other OpenStack projects is
that someone with a vested interest in continued MSSQLS support in
Trove would set up a "third-party CI system" which runs tests
against an environment they maintain in their own network and
reports back on proposed changes for openstack/trove or related

The biggest challenge is finding someone with *enough* interest in
MSSQLS support to commit to building and operating that CI system.
Jeremy Stanley
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