[cinder] python-cinderclient: API v2 support removed in Wallaby

Brian Rosmaita rosmaita.fossdev at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 14:57:20 UTC 2020

As announced previously on this mailing list [0], at yesterday's Cinder 
meeting the Cinder team discussed the timeline for removing Block 
Storage API v2 support from the python-cinderclient.  The Block Storage 
API v2, which has been deprecated since Pike, will not be present in the 
OpenStack Wallaby release.

The team decided not to delay removing Block Storage API v2 support from 
the python-cinderclient.  Thus, v2 support will *not* be available in 
the Wallaby python-cinderclient.

Given the long deprecation period, we trust that this will not adversely 
impact too many users.  We point out that microversion 3.0 of the Block 
Storage API v3 is functionally identical to v2; thus scripts that rely 
on v2 responses should continue to work with minimal changes.  We also 
point out that v3 has been available since Mitaka and has reached 
microversion 3.62 with the Victoria release; thus it may be worth 
re-examining such scripts to see what functionality you are missing out on.

This email serves both as an announcement and a final call for comments 
about this proposal.  Please reply to this email thread with any 
comments before next week's Cinder meeting (Wednesday 18 November 2020).

Thank you,


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