[cyborg][nova][neutron]Summaries of Smartnic support integration

yumeng bao yumeng_bao at yahoo.com
Thu May 28 12:50:19 UTC 2020

Hi all,

In cyborg pre-PTG meeting conducted last week[0],shaohe from Intel introduced SmartNIC support integrations,and we've reached some initial agreements: 

The workflow for a user to create a server with network acceleartor(accelerator is managed by Cyborg) is:

  1. create a port with accelerator request specified into binding_profile field
 NOTE: Putting the accelerator request(device_profile) into binding_profile is one possible solution implemented in our POC.
       Another possible solution,adding a new attribute to port object for cyborg specific use instead of using binding_profile, is discussed in shanghai Summit[1].
This needs check with neutron team, which neutron team would suggest? 

  2.create a server with the port created

Cyborg-nova-neutron integration workflow can be found on page 3 of the slide[2] presented in pre-PTG.

And we also record the introduction! Please find the pre-PTG meeting vedio record in [3] and [4], they are the same, just for different region access.

[2]pre-PTG slides:https://docs.qq.com/slide/DVm5Jakx5ZlJXY3lw
[3]pre-PTG vedio records in Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN4haOK7sQg&feature=youtu.be
[4]pre-PTG vedio records in Youku:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDY5MDA4NjM2NA==.html?x&sharefrom=iphone&sharekey=51459cbd599407990dd09940061b374d4


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