[openstack-dev] [election] [tc] TC Candidacy

Kristi Nikolla knikolla at bu.edu
Sun Sep 9 23:45:28 UTC 2018

Thanks for the question Matt,

I have to agree that that is not a good use of time, which is why I’m really interested in the Constellations initiative. There doesn’t have to be a very specifically defined “what OpenStack is” answer, but instead we can focus on multiple answers based on the features we offer and the multitude of problems that we solve. Furthermore, I think that constellations will help weaken the silos between teams by increasing cross-project collaboration and integration towards a common goal. Ultimately, to me, what OpenStack is, first and foremost, is a community.

Additionally, I would like to be much more involved with the process of welcoming and mentoring new contributors, and the various groups formed around that. Working in academia, gives me access to a large pool of students, especially during the cloud computing course that we offer in two universities of the Boston area. Many of our previous alums (me included) end up becoming regular contributors and continuing their work in OpenStack and other open source communities.

Ultimately, this list isn’t exclusive and I’d love to hear your and other people's opinions about what you think the I should focus on.

Kristi Nikolla

> On Sep 7, 2018, at 7:26 AM, Matt Riedemann <mriedemos at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/5/2018 1:20 PM, Kristi Nikolla wrote:
>> I’m really excited to have the opportunity to take part in the discussion with
>> regards to the technical vision for OpenStack. Regardless of election outcome,
>> this is the first step towards a larger involvement from me in the important
>> discussions (no more shying away from the important mailing list threads.)
> I'm not trying to pick on you Kristi, but personally I'm tired of the TC vision question that's been going on for years now and would like the people I vote for to spend less time talking about OpenStack and what it is or what it isn't (because that changes based on the person you talk to and on what day you ask them), and spend more time figuring out how to move cross-project initiatives forward. So whether or not OpenStack is a toolkit for private/public/edge clouds, or a product, or something else, there are likely common themes within OpenStack that we can generally agree on across projects and need people to work on them, rather than just talk about doing them. Are there specific cross-project initiatives you are interested in working on?
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Matt
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