[openstack-dev] [i18n] Edge and Containers whitepapers ready for translation

Jimmy McArthur jimmy at openstack.org
Mon Jul 16 15:48:43 UTC 2018

Jimmy McArthur wrote:
> Akihiro Motoki wrote:
>> Jimmy,
>> Does it mean translation **publishing** is ready now?
>> In the first translation of the edge computing whitepaper, 
>> translation publishing was completely a manual process and it takes 
>> too long.
> The initial version was a volunteer effort, but the Foundation wasn't 
> aware it was taking place until after it was all done.  Our efforts 
> are aligned around working through standard Zanata publishing processes.
Also, FTR, I believe it should be easy enough to take those initial 
manual translations and place them into the po files once we add the pot 
file to the project.
>> If translation publishing support is not ready, it is a bit 
>> discouraging from translator perspective.
>> We translators would like to have some automated way to publish 
>> translated versions of documents
>> and it allows translators to improve and/or fix translations after 
>> the initial translation.
> Translation publishing is now available.  We just need permissions to 
> add the pot file to the project. Moving forward, the process will be 
> automated through Zanata in the same way we do the user survey and 
> other features.
>> I propose an idea of using RST file for the edge computing whitepaper 
>> after the Vancouver summit.
> Yes, we're following the standard publishing requirements outlined 
> here: https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/en_GB/tools.html
>> Ildiko said it is being discussed in the edge computing team and the 
>> foundation but I haven't heard nothing since then.
>> Or can the foundation publish translations more quickly even though 
>> the current publishing process is not changed.
>> If not, I cannot believe this is the right timing to promote 
>> whitepaper translations.....
>> Thanks,
>> Akihiro
>> 2018年7月17日(火) 0:27 Jimmy McArthur <jimmy at openstack.org 
>> <mailto:jimmy at openstack.org>>:
>>     Sorry, I should have also added... we additionally need
>>     permissions so
>>     that we can add the a new version of the pot file to this project:
>>     https://translate.openstack.org/project/view/edge-computing/versions?dswid=-7835
>>     Thanks!
>>     Jimmy
>>     Jimmy McArthur wrote:
>>     > Hi all -
>>     >
>>     > We have both of the current whitepapers up and available for
>>     > translation.  Can we promote these on the Zanata homepage?
>>     >
>>     >
>>     https://translate.openstack.org/project/view/leveraging-containers-openstack?dswid=5684
>>     >
>>     >
>>     https://translate.openstack.org/iteration/view/edge-computing/master/documents?dswid=5684
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > Thanks all!
>>     > Jimmy
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