[openstack-dev] [tc] [all] OpenStack moving both too fast and too slow at the same time

Octave J. Orgeron octave.orgeron at oracle.com
Mon May 8 17:24:00 UTC 2017

Hi Jeremy,

I'm sure everyone would love to see Solaris open sourced again. I know I 
do! But unfortunately, it's not something within my power or control.

However, there is the reality that OpenStack wouldn't be as successful 
without commercial companies contributing to it. A good example is all 
of the excellent work done in Cinder and Neutron, where we have hundreds 
of drivers for networking gear, SDNs, NAS/SAN storage, etc. In those 
cases, none of those products that those drivers are written for are 
open sourced and they meet less resistance to committing code upstream. 
So I have to call BS on your comment that the community can't work with 
us because Solaris isn't open sourced.

Now for Oracle, we definitely need more 3rd party CI to make it easier 
to test our drivers, components, and patches against so that it's easier 
for the community to validate things. However, it takes time, resources, 
and money to make that happen. Hopefully that will get sorted out over 
time. But even if we make all of the investments in setting that up, we 
still need the upstream teams to come to the table and not shun us away 
just because we are Oracle :)


On 5/6/2017 6:26 AM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2017-05-05 15:35:16 -0600 (-0600), Octave J. Orgeron wrote:
> [...]
>> If it's in support of Oracle specific technologies such as Solaris,
> [...]
>> we are often shunned away because it's not Linux or "mainstream"
>> enough. A great example is how our Nova drivers for Solaris Zones,
>> Kernel Zones, and LDoms are turned away. So we have to spend extra
>> cycles maintaining our patches because they are shunned away from
>> getting into the gate.
> [...]
> Hopefully I'm not hitting a sore spot here, but bring back
> OpenSolaris and the answer becomes simpler. The Microsoft and VMWare
> devs have similar challenges in this regard because if you attempt
> to combine your proprietary software with our free software, then
> it's not something we're going to be able to test upstream (and the
> burden to prove that it's working and soundly maintained is
> substantially greater than if what you're integrating is also free
> software).

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