[openstack-dev] [all][tc] How to deal with confusion around "hosted projects"

Thierry Carrez thierry at openstack.org
Thu Jun 29 07:35:32 UTC 2017

Sean McGinnis wrote:
>> The central issue being discussed here is an issue of external
>> perception. It's hard for newcomers to the OpenStack world to see what
>> is a part of OpenStack and what's not. If you google "openstack machine
>> learning", the first hits are Cognitive and Meteos, and it's impossible
>> to tell that those are actually not OpenStack projects. One of those has
>> been dead for 2 years -- having people think that those are official
>> projects hurts all the OpenStack projects, by lowering expectations
>> around what that means, in terms of quality, maintenance, or community.
> Maybe this is a bit of a tangent from the overall discussion, but
> since a lot of confusion, and bad perception, can stem from dead
> projects - as a first small step, could we move dead projects
> out of openstack/* into closedstack/* and move or mark their wiki
> to indicate it is just for legacy reference?

It's difficult to do. From a governance perspective, the "hosted" (or
"unofficial") space has no rules, so it's nobody's job (and right) to
clean things up. From a technical perspective, it's painful due to
Gerrit requiring restarts for every rename.

It's doable -- we'd have to create some governance for the "hosted"
space (creating a bit more confusion, since this was previously defined
as the "ungoverned" space), and add more to the infra team pile of work.

Anyway, that's part of "addressing the confusion at the edges" option.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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