[openstack-dev] how to set default security group rules?

Kevin Benton kevin at benton.pub
Fri Jun 9 12:20:03 UTC 2017

This was an intentional decision. One of the goals of OpenStack is to
provide consistency across different clouds and configurable defaults for
new tenants default rules hurts consistency.

If I write a script to boot up a workload on one OpenStack cloud that
allows everything by default and it doesn't work on another cloud that
doesn't allow everything by default, that leads to a pretty bad user
experience. I would now need logic to scan all of the existing security
group rules and do a diff between what I want and what is there and have
logic to resolve the difference.

It's a backwards-incompatible change so we'll probably be stuck with the
current behavior.

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 2:27 AM, Ahmed Mostafa <ahmedmostafadev at gmail.com>

> I believe that there are no features impelemented in neutron that allows
> changing the rules for the default security group.
> I am also interested in seeing such a feature implemented.
> I see only this blueprint :
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/default-
> rules-for-default-security-group
> But no work has been done on it so far.
> On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Paul Schlacter <wlfightup at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>     I see the neutron code, which added the default rules to write very
>> rigid, only for ipv4 ipv6 plus two rules. What if I want to customize the
>> default rules?
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