[openstack-dev] [magnum] Discuss the blueprint "support-private-registry"

Ricardo Rocha rocha.porto at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 13:07:30 UTC 2016


On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 3:59 AM, Eli Qiao <liyong.qiao at intel.com> wrote:
> Hi Hongbin
> Thanks for starting this thread,
> I initial propose this bp because I am in China which is behind China great
> wall and can not have access of gcr.io directly, after checking our
> cloud-init script, I see that
> lots of code are *hard coded* to using gcr.io, I personally though this is
> not good idea. We can not force user/customer to have internet access in
> their environment.
> I proposed to use insecure-registry to give customer/user (Chinese or whom
> doesn't have gcr.io access) a chance to switch use their own
> insecure-registry to deploy
> k8s/swarm bay.
> For your question:
>>      Is the private registry secure or insecure? If secure, how to handle
>> the authentication secrets. If insecure, is it OK to connect a secure bay to
>> an insecure registry?
> An insecure-resigtry should be 'secure' one, since customer need to setup it
> and make sure it's clear one and in this case, they could be a private
> cloud.
>>  Should we provide an instruction for users to pre-install the private
>> registry? If not, how to verify the correctness of this feature?
> The simply way to pre-install private registry is using insecure-resigtry
> and docker.io has very simple steps to start it [1]
> for other, docker registry v2 also supports using TLS enable mode but this
> will require to tell docker client key and crt file which will make
> "support-private-registry" complex.
> [1] https://docs.docker.com/registry/
> [2]https://docs.docker.com/registry/deploying/

'support-private-registry' and 'allow-insecure-registry' sound different to me.

We're using an internal docker registry at CERN (v2, TLS enabled), and
have the magnum nodes setup to use it.

We just install our CA certificates in the nodes (cp to
etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/, update-ca-trust) - had to change the
HEAT templates for that, and submitted a blueprint to be able to do
similar things in a cleaner way:

That's all that is needed, the images are then prefixed with the
registry dns location when referenced - example:

Things we found on the way:
- registry v2 doesn't seem to allow anonymous pulls (you can always
add an account with read-only access everywhere, but it means you need
to always authenticate at least with this account)
- swarm 1.1 and kub8s 1.0 allow authentication to the registry from
the client (which was good news, and it works fine), handy if you want
to push/pull with authentication.


> On 2016年03月30日 07:23, Hongbin Lu wrote:
> Hi team,
> This is the item we didn’t have time to discuss in our team meeting, so I
> started the discussion in here.
> Here is the blueprint:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/support-private-registry . Per
> my understanding, the goal of the BP is to allow users to specify the url of
> their private docker registry where the bays pull the kube/swarm images (if
> they are not able to access docker hub or other public registry). An
> assumption is that users need to pre-install their own private registry and
> upload all the required images to there. There are several potential issues
> of this proposal:
> ·         Is the private registry secure or insecure? If secure, how to
> handle the authentication secrets. If insecure, is it OK to connect a secure
> bay to an insecure registry?
> ·         Should we provide an instruction for users to pre-install the
> private registry? If not, how to verify the correctness of this feature?
> Thoughts?
> Best regards,
> Hongbin
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> Best Regards, Eli Qiao (乔立勇)
> Intel OTC China
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