[openstack-dev] [all] Austin Design Summit track layout

Matt Riedemann mriedem at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Mar 28 17:12:49 UTC 2016

On 3/28/2016 5:28 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Please find attached in PDF the proposed layout for the various tracks
> at the Design Summit in Austin. I tried to take into account all the
> talk conflicts and the constraints that you communicated, although as
> always there is no perfect solution.
> Let me know if you see major issues with it. It's difficult to make
> changes at this stage as they quickly cascade into breaking all sorts of
> constraints, but we may still be able to accommodate some.
> Eagle eyes readers will see that there are a number of fishbowl slots in
> green (on Thursday early morning and end of afternoon). If your team is
> interested in them (and that does not trigger a conflict), let me know
> and we'll try to give them out.
> Once the layout is official, I'll proceed to publish it on the official
> event schedule. Then as each project team comes up with session titles
> and content, we'll gradually push those to the official schedule. The
> goal is to have all the content finalized for mid-April.
> Thanks all!
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I see one problem. The single stable team fishbowl session is scheduled 
for the last slot on Thursday (5pm). The conflict I have with that is 
the nova team does it's priority/scheduling talk in the last session on 
the last day for design summit fishbowl sessions (non-meetup style).

I'm wondering if we could move the stable session to 4:10 on Thursday. I 
don't see any infra/QA sessions happening at that time, which is the 
cross-project people we need for the stable session.

Alternatively we could maybe move the nova priorities/scheduling session 
to 4:10 on Thursday, or bump that to the Friday meetup style.



Matt Riedemann

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