[openstack-dev] Juju Charm Usability/Functionality Enhancements

James Beedy jamesbeedy at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 17:48:39 UTC 2016

Hello Team,

I've a few things I want to bring up concerning usability/functionality in
nova-cloud-controller and openstack-dashboard.

1. Request-timeout configurability for openstack-dashboard.
    - Everyone who accesses horizon asks me for this. I think it would be
smart to set the timeout to the keystone token session timeout value.
    - I've filed a feature request/bug, and proposed a merge for this in
the past, to no avail. This is a must for usability, and so simple to add.
What gives?

2. 'cross_az_attach=True'
    - Without "cross_az_attach=True" under the cinder context in nova.conf,
live migration across availability_zones, alongside a handful of other
critical ops fail.
    - This is a critical config param, the absence of which has blocked me
on multiple levels for a long time now.
    - I've previously filed a bug/feature request for this, and also have
proposed a merge that adds this functionality.
    - This is critical. ATTN HERE ASAP, PLEASE!

I would greatly appreciate some <3 in these areas, or a logical reason why
not to have these features.

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