[openstack-dev] [all] [api] API Working Group Refresher

Chris Dent cdent+os at anticdent.org
Fri Jan 15 12:48:51 UTC 2016

At yesterday's API Working Group meeting we decided it would be a
good idea to send out a refresher on the existence of the group,
its goals and activities. If you have interest in the improvement
and standardization of OpenStack APIs please take this as an
invitation to participate.

The group meets once a week in openstack-meeting-3 on Thursdays
alternating between 00:00 UTC and 16:00 UTC[0].

The primary goal of the group is to help OpenStack HTTP APIs adhere
to standards and be consistent in the context of OpenStack[1]. To that
end the main activities of members are:

* Creating, encouraging projects to create, and reviewing API

   * https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/api-wg
   * http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/

   To be clear these are guidelines, not rules. The members of the
   API working group are not cops. There's an open question of
   whether the guidelines should codify existing behaviors or be more
   aspirational. If you have an opinion on such things, you might
   like to come along and share it.

* Providing guidance and sounding boards for changes which impact

   * https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+AND+%28message:ApiImpact+OR+message:APIImpact%29,n,z

* Exploring existing APIs to get a sense of existing practices and
   tease out which are "best":

   * https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/API_Working_Group/Current_Design

Ideally every OpenStack project that has an HTTP API should have a
designated cross project liaison who is willing to participate in the
API working group and operate as bi-directional conduit. Talk to your
PTL if you want this responsibility and then show up at the meetings.

[0] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/API-WG
[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/API_Working_Group#Purpose
Chris Dent               (¨s¡ã¡õ¡ã)¨s¦à©ß©¥©ß            http://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent

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