[openstack-dev] [Neutron] Team meeting on Tuesday 1400UTC

Armando M. armamig at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 18:01:05 UTC 2016

On 12 January 2016 at 20:07, Kyle Mestery <mestery at mestery.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 5:28 PM, Doug Wiegley <
> dougwig at parksidesoftware.com> wrote:
>> I don’t think it ninja merged. It had plenty of reviews, and was open
>> during international hours. I don’t have any issue there.
>> I don’t like the crazy early meeting, so I set out to prove it didn’t
>> matter:
>> Average attendance before rotating: 20.7 people
>> Average attendance on Monday afternoons (U.S. time): 20.9
>> Average attendance on Tuesday morning (U.S. time): 23.7
>> Stupid data, that’s not what I wanted to see.
>> I haven’t yet correlated people to which meeting time yet, but attendance
>> was slightly up during the crazy early hated time, across the 1.25 years it
>> was running (started 9/9/14). This is just people saying something; lurkers
>> can just read the logs.
>> Data is from eavesdrop meeting logs, if anyone else wants to crunch it.
>> Since it's ridiculous to assume people are required to attend this
> meeting, one easy solution to this would be to go back to the rotating
> meeting and have a different chair for the Tuesday morning PST meeting. I
> think rotating chairs for this meeting would be a good idea for a multitude
> of reasons (spreads the pain, lets others have a chance at the pulpit,
> grooms future meeting leaders, etc.).

With this suggestion you seem to imply that I only dropped the biweekly
schedule because I didn't want to run the Tuesday ones, and that's unfair :)

Albeit I am not overly happy to wake up at 5.30am (in my timezone), I have
done it so far because I believe it's my duty. That said, when I see that
the nearly the same people show up (and meaningfully contribute) at both,
then I'd rather have the majority of us have a "simpler" life.

I have never been a fan of the biweekly schedule because it incentivises
people not to turn up half the time (I certainly wouldn't have an incentive
to wake up at ~6am if I didn't have to chair the meeting), however certain
topics are only discussed once, and missing a meeting is a missed
opportunity to actively contribute during meeting hours.

Bear in mind that no-one is taking away the opportunity from people to
contribute in the openstack-neutron channel and/or offline on the ML. I
personally rely on it quite a bit.


> Thanks,
> Kyle
>> Thanks,
>> doug
>> > On Jan 12, 2016, at 4:32 PM, Tony Breeds <tony at bakeyournoodle.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 01:27:30PM +0100, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
>> >> Agreed with Gary on behalf of my European compatriots. (Note that I
>> >> *personally* +1’d the patch because I don’t mind, doing late hours
>> anyway;
>> >> but it’s sad it was ninja merged without giving any chance for those
>> from
>> >> affected timezones to express their concerns).
>> >
>> > So Ninja merged has a negative connotation that I refute.
>> >
>> > I merged it.  It was judgment error, and I apologise for that.
>> >
>> > * I found and read through the list thread.
>> > * Saw only +1's yours included
>> >    - known you'd be affected I used your +1 as a barometer
>> >
>> > My mistake was not noticing your request to leave the review open for
>> longer.
>> >
>> > I also noted in my review that reverting it is pretty low cost to back
>> it out
>> > if needed.
>> >
>> > I understand that the 'root cause' for this change was the yaml2ical
>> issue that
>> > stemmed from having 2 odd week in a row.  We've fixed that [1]. I'm also
>> > working a a more human concept of biweekly meeting in yaml2ical.
>> >
>> > Tony
>> > [1] the next time it could have been a problem is 2020/2021 ;P
>> >
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