[openstack-dev] Project mascots update

Heidi Joy Tretheway heidijoy at openstack.org
Wed Aug 3 17:19:10 UTC 2016

Thanks to all of you for contributing unique and inspiring ideas to choose a team mascot. You can view a list of projects that have chosen their mascots here: http://www.openstack.org/project-mascots <http://www.openstack.org/project-mascots>, and more will be added soon as the last handful of teams finalize theirs. Illustrators are working now to produce a family of great logos for you that will come out closer to the Barcelona Summit. Feel free to drop me a note with questions.

Heidi Joy

Heidi Joy Tretheway
Senior Marketing Manager, OpenStack Foundation
503 816 9769  |  skype: heidi.tretheway

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