[openstack-dev] [kolla] Why base image always be built each time build a specific image.

Paul Bourke paul.bourke at oracle.com
Tue Aug 2 10:40:25 UTC 2016


You will see lines relating to the base image each time you build, 
however, they should be cached so will add almost no additional time to 
the build.


On 21/07/16 09:48, hu.zhijiang at zte.com.cn wrote:
> Hi,
> When I use the following command to build keystone image, I saw
> base/openstack-base image was built for the first time as the dependances,
> which is OK.
> kolla-build --registry --push keystone
> But right after that, when I was building another image (for example
> rabbitmq), I saw base image was built again. Why that happend and is that
> necessary? Is there any way to keep the already built images to save
> building time?
> Thanks,
> Zhijiang
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