[openstack-dev] [docs] Our Install Guides Only Cover Defcore - What about big tent?

ZhiQiang Fan aji.zqfan at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 04:20:08 UTC 2016


Install guide is just a start/example, concentrate is better than cover
all, for more services we can just provide a good place to let them
discoverable, and lfor arger scale, we should use advanced tools such as
puppet and ansible

On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 6:12 PM, Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org>

> Doug Hellmann wrote:
>> [...]
>>> We would love to add all sufficiently mature projects to the installation
>>> guide because it increases visibility and adoption by operators, but we
>>> lack resources to develop a source installation mechanism that retains as
>>> much simplicity as possible for our audience.
>> I think it would be a big mistake to try to create one guide for
>> installing all OpenStack projects. As you say, testing what we have
>> now is already a monumental task and impedes your ability to make
>> changes.  Adding more projects, with ever more dependencies and
>> configuration issues to the work the same team is doing would bury
>> the current documentation team. So I think focusing on the DefCore
>> list, or even a smaller list of projects with tight installation
>> integration requirements, makes sense for the team currently producing
>> the installation guide.
> Yes, the base install guide should ideally serve as a reference to reach
> that first step where you have all the underlying services (MySQL, Rabbit)
> and a base set of functionality (starterkit:compute ?) installed and
> working. That is where we need high-quality, proactively-checked, easy to
> understand content.
> Then additional guides (ideally produced by each project team with tooling
> and mentoring from the docs team) can pick up from that base first step,
> assuming their users have completed that first step successfully.
> --
> Thierry Carrez (ttx)
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