[openstack-dev] [all] [devstack] Adding example "local.conf" files for testing?

Matt Riedemann mriedem at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Apr 14 14:52:49 UTC 2016

On 4/14/2016 6:09 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
> On 04/14/2016 05:19 AM, Markus Zoeller wrote:
>>> From: Neil Jerram <Neil.Jerram at metaswitch.com>
>>> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
>>> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
>>> Date: 04/14/2016 10:50 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [all] [devstack] Adding example
>>> "local.conf" files for testing?
>>> On 14/04/16 08:35, Markus Zoeller wrote:
>>>> Sometimes (especially when I try to reproduce bugs) I have the need
>>>> to set up a local environment with devstack. Everytime I have to look
>>>> at my notes to check which option in the "local.conf" have to be set
>>>> for my needs. I'd like to add a folder in devstacks tree which hosts
>>>> multiple example local.conf files for different, often used setups.
>>>> Something like this:
>>>>       example-confs
>>>>       --- newton
>>>>       --- --- x86-ubuntu-1404
>>>>       --- --- --- minimum-setup
>>>>       --- --- --- --- README.rst
>>>>       --- --- --- --- local.conf
>>>>       --- --- --- serial-console-setup
>>>>       --- --- --- --- README.rst
>>>>       --- --- --- --- local.conf
>>>>       --- --- --- live-migration-setup
>>>>       --- --- --- --- README.rst
>>>>       --- --- --- --- local.conf.controller
>>>>       --- --- --- --- local.conf.compute1
>>>>       --- --- --- --- local.conf.compute2
>>>>       --- --- --- minimal-neutron-setup
>>>>       --- --- --- --- README.rst
>>>>       --- --- --- --- local.conf
>>>>       --- --- s390x-1.1.1-vulcan
>>>>       --- --- --- minimum-setup
>>>>       --- --- --- --- README.rst
>>>>       --- --- --- --- local.conf
>>>>       --- --- --- live-migration-setup
>>>>       --- --- --- --- README.rst
>>>>       --- --- --- --- local.conf.controller
>>>>       --- --- --- --- local.conf.compute1
>>>>       --- --- --- --- local.conf.compute2
>>>>       --- mitaka
>>>>       --- --- # same structure as master branch. omitted for brevity
>>>>       --- liberty
>>>>       --- --- # same structure as master branch. omitted for brevity
>>>> Thoughts?
>>> Yes, this looks useful to me.  Only thing is that you shouldn't need the
>>> per-release subtrees, though; the DevStack repository already has
>>> per-release stable/<release> branches, which you need to check out in
>>> order to do a DevStack setup of a past release.  So I would expect the
>>> local.confs for each past release to live in the corresponding branch.
>>> Regards,
>>>     Neil
>> My intention was to avoid that there is a folder "current" or "trunk"
>> or similar, which doesn't get updated. That's the issue Steve talked
>> about.
>> The workflow could be, at every new cycle:
>>      * create a new "release folder" (Newton, Ocata, ...)
>>      * copy the "setup folders" (minimum-setup, ...) to the new folder
>>      * clean up the "local.conf" file(s) of deprecated options
>>      * delete a "release folder" if the release is EOL
>> I also assume that this would make potential backports easier.
> I think this would be useful, and accepted easily.
> I *don't* think we want per release directories. Because it confuses the
> issue on whether or not devstack master can install liberty (which it
> can't).
> Every local.conf should include a documentation page as well that
> describes the scenario, which means these would be easy to snag off the
> web docs.
> 	-Sean

+1 to add example scenarios (I have a copy of a basic neutron + ovs that 
I got from a co-worker) and -1 on release-specific directories, we don't 
need them as pointed out already, that's what the branches are for in 
the git repo. The trunk local.confs should be updated naturally as 
people try to use them and hit issues.



Matt Riedemann

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